Tuesday 24 March 2015

The Teepee

The Teepee.

Many out there, have probably heard and of the very name of Geronimo. For most who have though, they in all even are said believed to come across a similar name and of a differing Persona, and that does speak of the name of Geronimo 'Il-jaga' Pratt that is. 

For those though, and who have in all heard of Geronimo, a most interesting and if not startling tale in all, is told, and of the said coming of the White Man, and in Conquest too, and in speak now of Apache Native Heritage in all, and if not of Apache Custom and History too, and as now said under threat, and from White Men too, and who are in all even referred to as 'Long Nose' too that is, and in talk now, and of the Apache World in all again, and as failing to in all defend, their very existence(s) that is.

That of Geronimo 'Ij-Jaga' Pratt on the otherhand, does carry somewhat similar undertones to it all, and in speak of the phrase here now, 'Who's Land is this'?, and in further speak too now, and of a said killing/murder, and of the Black Panther Party too, and as often referred to as the Black Panther Freedom Party that is.

In having said this, the very story of Geronimo in all, and of the Apache World too, now does come off, and in speak too of Conspiracy that is. That the issue/matter at hand, and in regards to all this, now does speak too, and of the Declaration of Independence, and in America too, but speak too, and of America's said hidden, Constitution that is [and amidsts talk here, and of many a said secret in all, said embedded in all perhaps, and in both the Declaration of Independence, and in the American Constitution too that is].

In understanding what we are trying to get at here, is to now say that, the defeat of Geronimo in all, and of the Apache World too, does not have to it, speak or reason in all, and of Military Superiority, and by the so termed 'White Man' too, but in speak truly now, and of Humility in itself. That the Apache World, faced one simple difficult task, and in regards to speak of conquest: their failing in all perhaps, and in speak of Humility too, and in answering the following question, 'How do you explain yourself?'. How do you explain yourself, and when you do claim to be fully American, and of American birth, and simply said defining oneself, and as said on American soil too that is.

It is right at that place in all, or point too, and that the Apache World in America, and in speak too of Geronimo in himself, does become embroiled in all, and with speak of Constitution and of the Declaration of Independence too that is. That it is believed in all, three Languages so to speak, do in all even exist in the United States of America in all again, and which can in all even be classified as Indian, American and WASP/Anglo too that is. That unknown to most, the American Declaration of Independence, and alongside its Constitution too, is said written in all, and in American so to speak, and not in WASP/Anglo English either that is. That the Apache World, and as said speaking Indian too, could not in all provide for sufficient proof or reason in all, and when simply asked 'How do you explain yourself'.

The rise of Modern Technologies, and as including speak of the Television and if not of the Radio too, and as now said too merging with the very world of Geronimo 'Il-jaga' Pratt, has simply in all even it is believed, compounded this matter/issue in all. That this all, now does speak too of the Television in all, and as said not providing for sufficient proof/reason in all, and when asked 'How do you explain yourself?'. That Content on the Television that is, is simply taken as it is, and in speak now of a Shift of Power in all, and in the United States of America too, and away from speak of Legislature, and onwards, and to speak of Critiques/Analysts that is. 

That in all, the very belief that, the American Constitution, and in Language too, is believed said, to contain in it, the very Language needed, to fully or truly explain oneself, and in speak now, and of the said belief here that, American Wealth, Status and definitions of Dignity too in all, do in all even it is believed, triumph over others out there, but that in all again, this does speak too, and of the very manner in all, one does explain themselves, and in everything one does, and in speak too of God, and as in all even referring, and to the very belief that, the United States of America today, is simply said Lawless in the very least, and in speak of the American State here too, and as said simply defined and in speak of American Media too that is.

One more time, for the road:


[Prince -- If I Was Your Girlfriend]