Monday 23 March 2015



[Pretty Poison -- Catch Me (I'm Falling) [HD]]

This entry, will in all deal too, and with what is assumed or presumed, and to speak too of Liberty in itself. That it in all again, now does deal, and with the very manner in all, we do in all again, define life that is, and as probably best said here in all, equated, and with speak of the Animate, and of the Inanimate too.

That Man in all, is often said truly Animate, and is in all even described and as said Inanimate too, and when said in all, Prostrate, or speak too of Man, and in Death too that is [and not as said Dead or Dying that is]. In saying that, Man and as said equating to the Inanimate in all, now does speak too and as just mentioned before, and of the Prostrate, is to now in all even associate one and as perhaps said extinct in their ways, or in speak too of decadence, and with one finding themselves very much Prostrate that is.

In having said this, is to now speak too of Man perhaps, and as said not Animate truly, but in speak now, and of whom/who in all, Man, is said to be, or is, and when said not Animate or Inanimate too that is. That it in all, now does describe Man, and in speak too, and of whom/who in all, he is, and in speak of Stance(s), Posture(s) and Pose(s) too that is. That the three, now do in all even define Man and in Intellect and Imagination too, and in speak too now, and of equating them to life, the three forementioned that is, and not in speak of the Probable either that is, but in speak too of Heaven and Hell in all.

That hopefully, the above is understood in a said context, that Man, and in speak too of the Stance(s), Posture(s), and Pose(s) and that he does in all even hold, maintain or have to him in all again, now does have him, having many a thought too in all, and as having to do with Hell and Heaven, and if not speak too of Deed and Act that is.

That it is in all now, and in speak of him now, Man, and in Deed or Act, and if not Action too in all, and simply where in all again, he does in all even become said truly Animate in all, and in speak now and of the Animate, and as said best equated here perhaps, and to our very definition in all, and of Liberty in itself that is.