Friday 20 March 2015

In the Search for Man

In the Search for Man.

Ever come across or been held up, and in the following scenario in all? A Man walks into a said famed or favourite Bar or Hang-out in all, and looks around, and before checking in and into or onto the Counter, and simply asking, 'Where is everybody?. The reply, and is if he in all is simply said to not be in the know, now does have a glare or stare to it, and that does say, 'Out as can be', 'Chuck is out by the way, out in the Lake', 'Tim left for Arkansas yesterday, and Rex is gone out downtown, and in search for himself apparently'. Ever heard of such a conversation, for it now does speak too, and of Man, and as said in search for himself, and if not in search of Jurisprudence, and as said to speak of Meaning and Purpose too that is.

That hopefully the above is understand, the Jurisprudence part of it all, and of Man said lacking in Meaning and Purpose, and in his now said to be, and in the Search for Man, and if not of himself too that is.

That most today, simply have no idea and of simply how best in all, to go about living out their lives, and in speak too perhaps and of the Moment, and if not of Anguish too, and in speak of a said perhaps, lost Love that is.

That in all, Man today, is simply said to be suffering and from deep Anguish, and if not in speak of Emptiness in itself, and in speak now and of the Search for Man, and as believed said best equated and to speak too of Jurisprudence that is, or in speak too and of that person or persons, and as versus speak of people or peoples too, and who does in all even define for one, life, and in speak now and of many a Guess, Hunch or Premonition too that is [and if not speak of the Gamble, the Bet, or the Ploy too in all]. That such said Men or Man too in all, is believed said to possess or hold, the very Keys in all, and to life in itself, and in speak now and of Death, and as best equated, and to speak of Drowning in itself, and if not speak of Boredom too that is.

In saying that most out there, are believed said to be in the Search for Man, is to now equate others out there, and as said in all even Minions of a kind that is. That in all, Man is said held in Bondage, or simply said Servile in his ways/manners, and in his perhaps said not recognizing, that Jurisprudence in all, now does speak too and of God in Man that is.

In having said this, the very question now, and of simply where in all again, one could in all even, be said to find, or see Man in himself that is. That in speak of the World and as it is today, the very search for Man, now equated in all perhaps, and to speak too of Horoscopes, Astrology and of the Astrological too, and as with it all even equating, and to speak of Magazine cultures for instance. There are those though, and who do in all even associate the Search for Man, and in speak now and of Cosmogony, Cosmology and of the Cosmological too, and as said to refer in all perhaps, and to speak of Philosophy/Texts too that is. What of the so often believed said Golden Age of Man, and where the Search for Man, and in true experience too, did in all even speak of Music, Art and of Song too, and in speak now in all, and of Literature, and of Literary sources/works/materials too that is.

This Blog though, is of the believe that, life today, is probably in all best perceived, and in speak now and of 'the Dead', 'the spirits of the Dead', and if not of 'the Living Dead' too that is. That in all, Man in himself, and in speak of Jurisprudence too, and if not of Meaning and Purpose, and of finding/seeing God within one, does in all even speak of us all, and in speak of ties & bonds, and that do refer in all again, benevolently too, and to speak of a deep said conscience and on many a thing, but in many a way too, in speak now, and of one and in many a said Possessed state, and that does in all even at the very least, speak of one and as living out, or reliving in many a way, the very life in all, and of many a truly said famed Character that is.

[Ready For The World -- Oh Sheila]