Friday 20 March 2015

The Autocrat

The Autocrat.

[Prince & 3RDEYEGIRL -- 'She's Always In My Hair']

This very entry, has to do, and with the very manner in all, we do in all even perceive, Acrimony, and in our very lives too that is. That what is Acrimony said to be? It in all even, can be said to speak truly and of the denominator and of 'the United States of America' too, and in the very belief that, there are many out there, and who do in all even simply wish to live out lives, grand in their ways, and not in speak of Success and of 'Making it' too that is, but in speak truly now, and of whom/who in all one is said to be, and in speak of Acrimony that is. That it is very well known that, Success and in speak of American life too, is not all there is, for it in all even, has now come and to be truly embroiled in all, and in speak of Constitution, and of the Constitutional truly, American, and such that, most are said unaware perhaps, that the American Declaration of Independence, July 1776, had more to do, and with 'Making it' in life, and not in speak of Success truly either that is. Something in all again, not too easy to explain here, and other than talk of the Constitutional, and in speak now of it said American or not (or said too Minority, Immigrant, Alien, Immigre etc.), and in saying that, America today in all, or the United States of America truly, and as said in all even truly helping its Citizens in all, and if they not said truly Residents that is, define Success, and in their very own Right/Capacity perhaps, does not in all even, speak in all again, and of American life and as lived to its fullest perhaps, and in speak of satisfaction in itself too, for the question in all does still very much remain/arise, and amongst many an American, and of what is believed said to truly speak of the American, and in Identity too, and in speak now and of the Constitutional, and if not of Conservative, Liberal, Moderate, Radical, Grassroots etc., Politics that is, and such that, many a Success, and in the United States of America today, can be said overlooked or undermined too, and in speak too of a National Conscience, but that in all even, the so termed Electoral Vote, can be said to speak of the very issues/matters in all, and that most Americans do consider to be of prime importance or significance too, and in now saying that, American Success, today, is not perceived truly and from speak of Impact in all, or in speak of Impropriety too, but in all even now, and from speak of Regulation in itself that is.

The American Declaration of Independence, did in all even define Americans, and as said Citizens, and not Residents truly either. For the Constitution in all, American, now does speak too, and a said Acrimonious World in all, American, and that does attempt in all again, and to truly define in the very least, American Human Rights in all. That there is believed said a Conspiracy here, and in speak of God, Man and of Religion too, and that does in all even say that, the original perhaps, American Constitution, does remain unknown to most in all, and in speak now, and of truly knowing whom/who in all they are, and in Right too and in saying the least, and in furtherly saying that, it does refer and to speak of American definitions truly, and of God, Human nature, Dignity etc., and if not speak truly perhaps, and of what every person in America, is simply said to be in search for, and in speak now, and of a life truly defined and in satisfaction in itself that is. 

That in saying that, the American Constitution, does in all even define for most Americans, what Wealth is believed said to truly be or stand for in all, the American Declaration of Independence, did in all even speak of 'Making it' in life, and in speak now too, and not of Civil Rights or Civil Liberties, but in truly in all again, in speak now and in a base manner too in all, and of what does constitute and for an American Drama that is. That in simply saying that Man is simply said created in the Image of God, does speak too perhaps, and of Man and in Debate, and with God, but in saying that, it does speak too of the Party System, and in America in all truly, it does now speak too of Republicans and Democrats, and in saying that, what they do call a Party System in all, does in all even speak perhaps, and of what in all again, we are said trying to Embody that is. That in all, there is no God perhaps, and other than in speak of Embodiment, and in further speak too of Man now and as said defined, and in speak of Desecration, Taint or even Abuse too in all, and in speak now truly, and of whether Man today is recognizing of himself as such, and in speak of God, and in his being defined, Man that is, and in speak of Negligence too for instance, and if not speak of Loyalty, Honour and Respect too that is. That in all, many a question asked, and in regards and to the Noble nature (ways/manners) of Man, and in regards to speak, and of what is believed said to be, and of what is simply said is that is [and in simple speak here, and of the Institution of Marriage in the United States of America that is, and in Meaning and Purpose too in all].

In having said that, the above in all, this very Blog in all, perhaps truly now, speaking of the American Constitution, and in speak too, and of Acrimony in itself that is. That the United States of America in Acrimony, does speak too of the Secret History it is believed, and of (the United States of) America in all, and that does speak too of Freemasonry and of many a Secret Society too,, and as believed said in all even perhaps, to simply speak and of the Dignity of Man that is. That this in all perhaps, is believed said what everyone in America in all again, and in speak of this very day, today, too, is simply said searching for, and in speak too of the thrills and excitement in all, and that life has to offer, and of Man and as said Individual, and in Shame too, and if not in Memory too perhaps. In all, the Individual here, and as said defined and in speak of Judgment in itself perhaps, and in speak of clarity's sake too for instance.

In all again, the above, and as truly asking perhaps, and of one, to truly ponder in all, the Validation/Validating of life in itself, and in speak of Justice too, and if not speak of Man, and as now said defined truly, and in speak too perhaps, and of Existentialism in itself that is.

[Casino -- Sometimes It Snows In April Acoustic Prince Cover]