Wednesday 25 March 2015



[Dave Chappelle Show -- Prince]

This entry, now will attempt and to speak on the United States of America, and as it is today, and away too, and from speak too of Civil Rights and of Civil Liberties too that is. That America in all, or the United States of America truly, is believed to have lost its way in all, and in speak now and of the best manner in all again, and of defining the American Way of life, and as now said to speak too, and of American Belief that is [and if not speak too of the American Civil War, and of the Northern States (or the Union too), the Southern Confederacy, and in further speak too now, and of what is believed said to speak and of American Property Law that is]. That in all, the American Civil War, can be said to go along truly,  and with speak and of what does stand for Propriety and Impropriety in all, and in the United States of America so to speak, and in speak now perhaps, and of the demise of old America's in all again, Fraternal Membership System that is, and in speak here too of the defining of American Civil Rights for instance, and onwards now and to a Voting/Electorate System in all, and that does in all even speak of the birth of the American Vanguard, but further speak too and of the rise of the United States of America in all, and as now said Nation, and as said too harbouring lots of Crime to it that is.

The dearth in all, and in speak too here, and of the American Revolutionary War, and of old America's Fraternal Membership System in all again so to speak, does in all even perhaps bring to end, the very manner in all, old America so to speak, did in all again define Wealth, Property, Friendship, Politics etc., and such that, it is believed here in all, it did in all even basically speak and of the very name of Tony Duquette too that is.

However, America now and as it is said today, or the United States truly, and as said harbouring in all again, a Vanguard to it all, now does in all even, deal with many an issue/matter, and as arising and with speak too of the American Civil War, and that does have to do, and with speak too of America's Crime problems, and the tainting in all again, and of America in all, and as said in all again a Social Fabric of a kind, and that does in all even integrate all said American Experiences, and in speak too now, and of many a said unresolved issue/matter, and that does speak too of simply where the United States of America's future in all, is said to lie, and in speak now and of it all even said today, an Immigrant Country that is.

In saying though, that for most and on visiting the United States of America, their experiences in all, are believed said defined and by speak too of the Great Depressions of 1929, now does speak too of the United States of America today, and as still very much said worn out, and in speak too of the American Civil War, and if not of the Assassination in all again, and of the late Abraham Lincoln that is. In saying that America and in speak too of its Social Fabric, is simply said even now, torn apart in all, then it all can be said, and to speak too of the name and of JFK that is.

In all, for most, the United States of America, and as now redefined and in speak too of Ambition, now it is believed here does somewhat falter and in Spirit too, and away from that said Indian/Chesapeake, or that said American/Bostonian and in speak too of Heritage truly that is.

In understanding the above said better, is to now speak of the very fact that, those now entering the United States of America in all, are in all again simply classified, and in three groups/spheres that is. That what this does in all mean is that, there are those who do in all even view the United States of America, and from speak primarily in all and of its Relations/Relationships, Social too, and as often said classified and under speak of the Marital, the Conjugal and of the Legal too that is. In all, a manner in all again, and of viewing the United States of America, and that does speak too of America's Court/Judicial System that is.

For others though, getting introduced and to American life, now does speak too, and of its Family, Parental and Institutional Systems, and as often said too, and to speak too of the United States of America's Health Sector/Industries that is [and in speak here too, and of a said Family Attorney, or a said Family Psychiatrist too that is].

The Blogger here though, does in all even now believe that, America in all, or the United States of America too, and as viewed too, and from speak of it all, and in speak of Education that is, now does offer far more opportunity in all again, and that does in all even speak too of American Monetary, Economic and Welfare Systems too, and as versus speak too in all and of America too, and in speak now of Privilege, Benefits, Allowances etc.

In all, America and as said faltering in its ways, believed now and shockingly and if not surprising enough, to lie, and in speak too and of only one term: Accreditation. That life in America today, or the United States of America truly, has become a miserable experience for many in all, and in speak now in all again, and of the very manner in all, most do define Treatment that is, and as said to speak too, and of Identity created, and in speak too now of Community/Genetic/Personal Make-up that is.

This though, Accreditation, and that does in all even speak of America's Institutions today, and as said surpassing most out there, has not dealt with many a said even Social issue/matter in all, and that does plague America today too, and as in all even said arising and with America's History and as said troubled/troubling too, and in speak too now perhaps, and of what does pass for Treatment/Reception/Acceptance, and in the United States of America too,  and in speak now and of American Citizenship in all again, simply said claiming that all Americans citizens/residents in all, are said accepted in society fully, and if not equally too, and in further speak too now, and of Merit in itself, Award or in speak too of Civil Conduct/Discipline that is.

The above is not believed said to be the actual truth, and in speak now of American life, and as defined and in speak of its Mental Health Institutes/Institutions that is, and in now saying that, American Identity, and as said grounded in all, and in speak of Treatment/Reception/Acceptance too that is, is not believed in all, to speak and of what does pass for satisfaction, and in speak too of America that is, but that in all again, speak now simply, and of whom/who in all Americans are said to be, and when they do harbour in all, Hatred, and for another, and for no said good reason either that is. That Rancour in all, is believed said now, and to speak too of the American Experience truly, and if and only if, one can understand in all again that, American Identity, and if not Personalities too, have in the past and as in the present it is believed here, been defined, and by speak too of only one term: Stakes.

That in speak of Stakes now, speak now and of American Identity and as said Social too, defined and in speak too of Solidarity, Harmony and Cohesion too in all, and as said now in all again, speaking of the very manner in all, American Social Identity has in the past existed, and as versus speak of present day America in all, and where Social Identity, now does speak too of Social Conditioning, and in speak now and of said preferential Treatment/Reception/Acceptance, and in further speak now and of what is believed said to pass for discrimination and in America today too that is.