Monday 23 March 2015

The Supernatural

The Supernatural.

What do we in all mean, and when we do refer and to the Supernatural? It in all again, is not something easy to explain, for most in all, are simply said not to know too much, and of the Natural that is.

This entry and in many a way though, has very much to do, and with the very manner in all, one could very well perceive the Supernatural, and in speak too now and of the rise and birth too, and of the often termed Modern City that is. For most in all again, are believed said in all even unacquainted truly, and with speak of the Natural in itself, and are in all truly again, now believed said too, and to be truly unaware, and of the Supernatural in itself that is.

In saying that, and in speak too of the Egyptian tradition perhaps, that the Supernatural in all, does in all even go along, and with our definitions of Awareness, Consciousness and Conscious States too, is to in all again perhaps, not say too much of it all that is. That for most, approaching the Supernatural as such, is believed even said an exercise, and in self-mockery too. In saying that the often termed Modern City in all, is believed in all even defined, and in speak of Survival too, and with Counting Systems in all again, and that do in all even not speak too of Natural Lifestyles, and in speak too here and of a Ranch, and with many a Cowboy to it, is to now and in all even, claim the Seasons, and as said to speak too of the Modern City, and of the Seasonal, and with many a said Natural Lifestyle that is.

However, the Supernatural, and the Natural, is not believed in all, and to speak of Counting, but in all again, and of Numbers that is. That Numbers, or Numbering truly, does differ in all, and from Counting, and in now knowing that, Numbers, or speak too of the Natural Numbers, and of Numbering in itself truly, does speak too of the Natural in all, and if not of Nature in itself too, and in speak now, and of that said person and with chump change in his pockets, and as now said visiting a favourite Record Store in all, and in all again, simply wondering what Records in all, to buy that is. That in all again, it all simply speaks of Numbering, and not Counting truly either.

In having said that the Natural Numbers, and in speak too of Numbering, is the key to understanding in all, the Natural and in speak too of Nature, the further belief here that the Supernatural in all, is believed said to lie and above the Natural too, now does speak too, and of the very belief that, it does not actually speak of Counting, and as said referring and to speak of Fractions in all, but in all again, and of Numbering, and in speak of Decimals too that is. In all, the Supernatural, and in speak now and of that knock on the door, and that does in all even promise, to end all of ones miseries that is.

In all again, and in conclusion too, speak now, and of the Supernatural and Natural, and if not of Counting too, and as said encoded in all, and in speak now and of our very Voices that is, and in further speak now and of Tonals, Tonalities and of Tones too [Link], and in speak too now, and of our accessing the Supernatural in all that is.