Thursday 26 March 2015



[Dave Chapelle -- Why Terrorists Won't take Certain People As Hostages]

When we do speak of Guns here, we are now said infringing upon in all, or simply said entering, a realm in all again, and of American life, and that some would associate and with speak of Controversy and Scandal, and if not in speak of American definitions of Autonomy and Independence too that is. That Gun ownership in the United States of America, is in all even known said, and to go along in all, and with speak too of American Civic life that is.

In speaking of Guns though, we are now often said too, and to not truly see in all, what is actually been said about Guns that is. That the forementioned, might not have made sense to many, and in saying now that, most do believe Guns to be Technology, when in reality, they are in many a way truly not that is. For Technology in all, does actually in all even serve a primary function in all again, and in society, while Guns on the otherhand, are at the very least associated in all, and with speak of whom/who in all we are, and with Storage too that is [that in attempting to make this clear, Guns and as playing a role in all, and in society too, does not actually speak of Security in itself, but in many a way truly, and in speak and of what is believed said to speak of Industry that is, and not of Markets truly either].

In helping one see all this and for what it is said to be, is to now and in all even attempt to define what Industry is, and as often said Self-Industry too, and as now said to speak too, and in American terms, and of Enterprise in itself that is. That Industry, now does in all even differ, and from speak too of Intellect or of Intelligence or Creativity too, in that, the latter, are often associated and with what some do term the Test in all, while the former, Industry, is often believed said, and to speak too and of the Exercise that is. That Guns in all, do actually speak or go along in all again, and with speak of the Exercise, and not of the Test either, and which could be said to speak of Guns, and as erroneously often termed Weapons too that is [that confusingly enough, Weapons, do speak of the Test, and of Killings in all, while Guns on the otherhand, do speak of Man and in Industry, and in speak too of Slayings that is].

In holding now a said even, huge distaste and for Weapons in all, and in speak too now, and of Man and as very well said making/manufacturing his own Honey, Wine, Beers, Meats/Pork etc., and such that, it does in all even clearly in all, speak, and of Man, and in Industry too that is.

In helping make all this too clear in all, is to now and in all even, speak and of what does pass for Education, and in the United States of America too that is [and as often said going along in all, and with speak too of the 'a Peoples History of the United States of America' too that is]. That for most, a said Egalitarian Education, and that does speak too of many an Idea here and there, and as said even passing for luck, now does constitute and for an Education and as most do know it, and as versus speak of Industry, Self-Industry too, and which might in all even be associated in all again, and with speak and of what some do term the Language Arts that is [or speak too here, and of Personas, and as versus Perception too that is].

In making all this too narrow, and if not all said foreseeable that is, is to now and in all even, attempt, to pair up Guns and Weapons that is. That Guns in all, do speak of American life, and as defined and in speak too of Heroics (and if not of the Huntsman too), while Weapons in all, and in a said traumatic sense/manner too in all, now do speak too, and of the Legendary that is. 

In speaking now and of the Legendary, and before we do get to speak on/of Heroics that is, is to now create a complicated said here, Picture in all, and of what does pass for Success, and as said mythologized too, and in the United Sates of America today too that is. That it in all, now does speak too, and of life, and as believed said Real/Encompassing, and as versus speak of it all even said Unreal/Limited that is. That in speak now and of the History of Education in the United States of America, and if not of Alabama too that is, is to now and in all, speak here on, and of a said complicated manner in all, and of viewing life, and that does speak too of the following in all: Engagement/Encroachment, Performance/Depiction-Portrayal, Empowerment/Literacy. That hopefully in all one can see what is been said here, in that, most in the United States of America in all againb, do in all even deal with these very issues in all again, and when it does in all even come and to speak and of what an Education, American, is said to be all about that is [that Learning does not beginning or end at School, but does in all even exist in ones Home, amongst ones Friends, and if not at ones Workplace too that is].

In having said that, that the above in all, does deal too, and with speak too of the Legendary, is to now and in all even, speak of Heroics, and of Industry, and as in all even said culminating and in speak too of Authority in all, and that does in all even go along and in all again, and with speak now too perhaps, surprisingly and shockingly enough, and with speak of Hollywood, the Indie scene in America, and of the (Hollywood) Directors Chair too that is. Hopefully, this is understood, for the way of the Legendary in all, is believed in all even and to lead too, and to speak too of the White House, the now termed/said US Presidency, and if not in speak too, and of the 'Men in Black' that is, and of the Skulls & Bones Society too in all. In saying too that, the Indie, does in all even speak of Industry in itself, and of Self-Learning too, is to now perhaps speak too, and of Hollywood, and as said a Central Authority of a kind, and that does speak too of the FBI in all, and as versus speak too of the White House in all again, and of the CIA too that is.

[Prince -- Nothing Compares 2 U]