Monday 30 March 2015

Friday 27 March 2015

Glam Rock

Glam Rock.

America's most 'definitive sound':

[Paramore -- crushcrushcrush]



[Prince -- Raspberry Beret]

Many out there, might have heard of Under the Cherry Moon, a small movie in all, and as made by and directed too, and by Prince in all that is, and as probably referred to here, and as said 'the Purple One' too that is. That Prince, and as now said in many a way, still reigning, and in his said now coming very much from, making his hit movie, small too, and not truly Independent either, Purple Rain, and which in many a way, did in all even serve as a vehicle, and by which he said to embark on, and on a course and that does speak too of Royalty, and in speak too and of the said descriptor in all, and that does speak too and of Prince in Glory, or of his said 'Purple Reign' too that is.

Most who did watch, Under the Cherry Moon though, did in all perhaps, simply wonder what it all was said to be be all about, and as Prince in all again, did in all very much play a Character, and that did in all speak too, and of an Effigy that is. An Effigy too, and that probably in all, did not call into question, that infamous Tar Baby, and from Br'er Rabbit too that is. For those though who had watched Purple Rain in all, they probably in all again, and in speak now and of America and said in predicament too, did in all develop a wonderful Memory of sorts (and in speak too of 'many' an interrupt, and that does have to it Prince playing the Piano by himself), and that in all again, for those who did in all get it, speak now, and of the movie, and as perceived in all, and from a basic Setting, and which does speak too and of the now said renowned Club, First Avenue, and in further speak too of its said famed here, owner, and of Billy Sparks too that is. That the movie, and when viewed and from speak of Billy Sparks, now does make for all the sense, and as with it all even perceived, and from speak too of American Social, Family & Kinship Systems, and as versus speak of Prince, and as now called here too, and as 'the Purple One' that is, and as said going through life as such, and in speak now and of many a said here, dramatics to it all that is [but not]. In all, Prince, and as now said coming out very much too, and in dramatics that is, and as said a Doll of a kind that is [and away from speak too of Barbie, Ken, Chuckie etc.].

What though, am I trying to get at here, and when I do say all the above: that Prince in all, can be said/called Doll or Effigy too that is. In many a way, it does speak too, and of the rather troubling difficulty in all, and of the said best manner in all again, and of defining Success in the United States of America today that is. That it in all, and from a basic perspective too, now calling and to the very manner in all again, one does define Individualism in the United States of America, and as with it all even perhaps, said defined too in all, and in speak of Media, and if not in speak of Scholarship too that is. This very manner though, and of defining Individuality, or Individualism too, and in the United States of America in all again, does not actually work as well, and as most often would expect or believe it would that is. For one in all, and as said viewing the United Sates of America as such, in speak now of Individualism and as said equated to speak too of Media/Scholarship in all, it does in all even speak now, and of the Politics of Representation, and as versus those which do speak too of Presentation that is. In saying that, Individualism in the United States of America in all again, is best said defined and in speak too of Social, Family & Kinship Systems, is to now and in all even, speak too, and of the United States of America in all, and as said 'Mapped out', 'Charted out' or 'Traced out' too that is, and as versus speak of Identity created, and in speak of Individualism, and that does speak too of National Media/Scholarship that is.

In saying that the United States of America, is 'Mapped out' as such, now does speak too, and of it said associated, and with speak of Districts, and if not of Counties too, and in further speak too of Individual duties, roles and responsibilities too that is. In saying that the United Sates of America, is in all 'Charted out', speak now perhaps, and of the Individual, and as placed squarely in their Homes, and as said very well too referring, and to speak too of Family, Local and Regional History that is. In saying that the United States of America is in all 'Traced out', speak now perhaps, and of its Banking, Transport and Hospitality Networks that is. In all, what is been said here is that, despite all opportunity offered in the United States of America, the very task and of defining oneself, and as said an Individual too, does remain a rather huge problem, and that does speak too, and of the American Psychology Association, and as best referred here to, and as said/called/termed APA that is. 

In having said the above, is to now attempt and to redefine, American Social, Family & Kinship Systems, and in speak here too perhaps, and of a Game of Monopoly played here and there, and a way from that, and which do speak of the above, and to speak now in many a way, and of the United States of America, and as said a highly Progressive in all, Nation, and if not Republic too, and in speak of the United States of America that is, and as said primarily defined, and in speak too of it and in Research that is. That Research in the United States of America, is said defined, and as said Government/Military, Industrial, and that said Independent too that is. Hopefully, this is understood, and in speak now and of such Research, and as said applied to society in all, and in speak too of Individualism, and as defined and in speak of Media/Scholarship, and as said National too, and as versus speak of Individualism, and as said now defined and in speak too of Social, Family & Kinship Systems that is.

In saying the above, speak too now in all, and of the United States of America, and in Institution too, and as defined by the following three: the United States Department of the Treasury, the Federal Reserve, and further speak too here and of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) that is.

What does the above in all, truly mean or entail that is? First off, it does speak too, and of the very known fact that, America in all, is simply said a truly huge place that is. A Huge place, and such that, most to it, or many in it, said now having many an Identity problem, and in speak too now of Individualism, and if not in speak of Thespian Art that is, and such that, walking the streets of America today, does in all even make for one, and as said feeling rather miniscule in their ways that is. That Success in all, is not believed to matter in all again, and when one does walk the Streets of America that is, and in speak now too perhaps, and of Timing in itself too that is. In having said this, is to mention that, the ability to beat all this, the feelings of unworthiness, loneliness, fear, animosity, envy, shame etc., and that do plague those who do in all even feel unsuccessful in their ways, can only be dealt with, and with Identity created, and in speak of Individualism, and that does speak too in all and of Social, Family & Kinship Systems that is, and not in speak of Media/Scholarship either that is. That in having said all this, the United States Department of the Treasury now, and as said referring in many a way, and to speak too of Government in the United States in itself, and in speak now, and not of funding in itself truly, what does fall under the Public, but in many a way truly, and in speak now and of Government/Military Research, and of the very terms of Taxpayer, and of Payroll too that is. That Success in the United States of America, is now truly envisioned, and in speak of Policy, and not in speak of Law Bills truly either that is, and Policy too, and as said emanating in all and with the United States Department of the Treasury, and that does in all even go along, and with speak of Family Images that is. In saying that, Policy, is the very word here in all, been sought out, and in regards and to the creating of Individualism, and that does speak too of Social, Family & Kinship Systems in all, and not in speak of Law Bills either for instance, or of Historical Trends truly either, is to now speak too and of the Federal Reserve, and as best said here perhaps, said associated in all, and with the very world of Industrial Research and in the United States of America too, and such that, the Federal Reserve, is often accused, and of being under the Patronage in all, and of the Wealthy in the United States of America, and as said defining themselves in all again, and in said here truly Exclusive Society that is. 

In all, this entry, now proposing to most that, Individualism in the United States of America, and that does speak too of Social, Family & Kinship Systems, can best be said too, associated, and with speak of the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) that is. For it is in speak of this Institution/Organization in all, and whereby one in all, does in all even come across the very defining of American Lifestyles in all, and as versus those said to speak too of Family Images (and of society), and of American Society too, for American Lifestyles in all again, do now speak too and of the very term of Multiplicity that is. In all, what is been said here is that, life and as said lived under the United States Government in itself, and in Employment and Payroll too, now does speak too of it and as said referring and to speak too of the term Variance that is, while that said to refer and to speak of the Federal Reserve, and of American Society too, and as said highly Exclusive too in all, now does refer and to American life and its people, and as associated with speak of the term Diversity that is. In all again, while the Payroll, does speak too of a World, and that does say that the United States of America, does possess the World's Largest Economy in all, and one said geared too, and at the Family that is, speak now and of the Federal Reserve, does speak too and of the very term of Bankroll, and in speak of the United States of America, and as said an Industrial Powerhouse (and in further speak too here of NASA), but in saying now that, the Politics of the Federal Reserve, do speak too and of the World Trade Center Bombings in all, is to now speak of the FCC, and of Independent Research too, and in speak now and of the United States of America in all, and as believed truly said a Superpower that is [that what is been said here is that, the United States of America, is believed said already, defined, and in speak of Property, but in speak of Wealth and Status, the FCC, and as now offering rather new ways in all, and of redefining the United States of America as such, and which might in all even serve, and for the common good, and of the said average joe/jane that is].

[Roxette -- Milk And Toast And Honey]

Thursday 26 March 2015



[Dave Chapelle -- Why Terrorists Won't take Certain People As Hostages]

When we do speak of Guns here, we are now said infringing upon in all, or simply said entering, a realm in all again, and of American life, and that some would associate and with speak of Controversy and Scandal, and if not in speak of American definitions of Autonomy and Independence too that is. That Gun ownership in the United States of America, is in all even known said, and to go along in all, and with speak too of American Civic life that is.

In speaking of Guns though, we are now often said too, and to not truly see in all, what is actually been said about Guns that is. That the forementioned, might not have made sense to many, and in saying now that, most do believe Guns to be Technology, when in reality, they are in many a way truly not that is. For Technology in all, does actually in all even serve a primary function in all again, and in society, while Guns on the otherhand, are at the very least associated in all, and with speak of whom/who in all we are, and with Storage too that is [that in attempting to make this clear, Guns and as playing a role in all, and in society too, does not actually speak of Security in itself, but in many a way truly, and in speak and of what is believed said to speak of Industry that is, and not of Markets truly either].

In helping one see all this and for what it is said to be, is to now and in all even attempt to define what Industry is, and as often said Self-Industry too, and as now said to speak too, and in American terms, and of Enterprise in itself that is. That Industry, now does in all even differ, and from speak too of Intellect or of Intelligence or Creativity too, in that, the latter, are often associated and with what some do term the Test in all, while the former, Industry, is often believed said, and to speak too and of the Exercise that is. That Guns in all, do actually speak or go along in all again, and with speak of the Exercise, and not of the Test either, and which could be said to speak of Guns, and as erroneously often termed Weapons too that is [that confusingly enough, Weapons, do speak of the Test, and of Killings in all, while Guns on the otherhand, do speak of Man and in Industry, and in speak too of Slayings that is].

In holding now a said even, huge distaste and for Weapons in all, and in speak too now, and of Man and as very well said making/manufacturing his own Honey, Wine, Beers, Meats/Pork etc., and such that, it does in all even clearly in all, speak, and of Man, and in Industry too that is.

In helping make all this too clear in all, is to now and in all even, speak and of what does pass for Education, and in the United States of America too that is [and as often said going along in all, and with speak too of the 'a Peoples History of the United States of America' too that is]. That for most, a said Egalitarian Education, and that does speak too of many an Idea here and there, and as said even passing for luck, now does constitute and for an Education and as most do know it, and as versus speak of Industry, Self-Industry too, and which might in all even be associated in all again, and with speak and of what some do term the Language Arts that is [or speak too here, and of Personas, and as versus Perception too that is].

In making all this too narrow, and if not all said foreseeable that is, is to now and in all even, attempt, to pair up Guns and Weapons that is. That Guns in all, do speak of American life, and as defined and in speak too of Heroics (and if not of the Huntsman too), while Weapons in all, and in a said traumatic sense/manner too in all, now do speak too, and of the Legendary that is. 

In speaking now and of the Legendary, and before we do get to speak on/of Heroics that is, is to now create a complicated said here, Picture in all, and of what does pass for Success, and as said mythologized too, and in the United Sates of America today too that is. That it in all, now does speak too, and of life, and as believed said Real/Encompassing, and as versus speak of it all even said Unreal/Limited that is. That in speak now and of the History of Education in the United States of America, and if not of Alabama too that is, is to now and in all, speak here on, and of a said complicated manner in all, and of viewing life, and that does speak too of the following in all: Engagement/Encroachment, Performance/Depiction-Portrayal, Empowerment/Literacy. That hopefully in all one can see what is been said here, in that, most in the United States of America in all againb, do in all even deal with these very issues in all again, and when it does in all even come and to speak and of what an Education, American, is said to be all about that is [that Learning does not beginning or end at School, but does in all even exist in ones Home, amongst ones Friends, and if not at ones Workplace too that is].

In having said that, that the above in all, does deal too, and with speak too of the Legendary, is to now and in all even, speak of Heroics, and of Industry, and as in all even said culminating and in speak too of Authority in all, and that does in all even go along and in all again, and with speak now too perhaps, surprisingly and shockingly enough, and with speak of Hollywood, the Indie scene in America, and of the (Hollywood) Directors Chair too that is. Hopefully, this is understood, for the way of the Legendary in all, is believed in all even and to lead too, and to speak too of the White House, the now termed/said US Presidency, and if not in speak too, and of the 'Men in Black' that is, and of the Skulls & Bones Society too in all. In saying too that, the Indie, does in all even speak of Industry in itself, and of Self-Learning too, is to now perhaps speak too, and of Hollywood, and as said a Central Authority of a kind, and that does speak too of the FBI in all, and as versus speak too of the White House in all again, and of the CIA too that is.

[Prince -- Nothing Compares 2 U]

Wednesday 25 March 2015



[Dave Chappelle Show -- Prince]

This entry, now will attempt and to speak on the United States of America, and as it is today, and away too, and from speak too of Civil Rights and of Civil Liberties too that is. That America in all, or the United States of America truly, is believed to have lost its way in all, and in speak now and of the best manner in all again, and of defining the American Way of life, and as now said to speak too, and of American Belief that is [and if not speak too of the American Civil War, and of the Northern States (or the Union too), the Southern Confederacy, and in further speak too now, and of what is believed said to speak and of American Property Law that is]. That in all, the American Civil War, can be said to go along truly,  and with speak and of what does stand for Propriety and Impropriety in all, and in the United States of America so to speak, and in speak now perhaps, and of the demise of old America's in all again, Fraternal Membership System that is, and in speak here too of the defining of American Civil Rights for instance, and onwards now and to a Voting/Electorate System in all, and that does in all even speak of the birth of the American Vanguard, but further speak too and of the rise of the United States of America in all, and as now said Nation, and as said too harbouring lots of Crime to it that is.

The dearth in all, and in speak too here, and of the American Revolutionary War, and of old America's Fraternal Membership System in all again so to speak, does in all even perhaps bring to end, the very manner in all, old America so to speak, did in all again define Wealth, Property, Friendship, Politics etc., and such that, it is believed here in all, it did in all even basically speak and of the very name of Tony Duquette too that is.

However, America now and as it is said today, or the United States truly, and as said harbouring in all again, a Vanguard to it all, now does in all even, deal with many an issue/matter, and as arising and with speak too of the American Civil War, and that does have to do, and with speak too of America's Crime problems, and the tainting in all again, and of America in all, and as said in all again a Social Fabric of a kind, and that does in all even integrate all said American Experiences, and in speak too now, and of many a said unresolved issue/matter, and that does speak too of simply where the United States of America's future in all, is said to lie, and in speak now and of it all even said today, an Immigrant Country that is.

In saying though, that for most and on visiting the United States of America, their experiences in all, are believed said defined and by speak too of the Great Depressions of 1929, now does speak too of the United States of America today, and as still very much said worn out, and in speak too of the American Civil War, and if not of the Assassination in all again, and of the late Abraham Lincoln that is. In saying that America and in speak too of its Social Fabric, is simply said even now, torn apart in all, then it all can be said, and to speak too of the name and of JFK that is.

In all, for most, the United States of America, and as now redefined and in speak too of Ambition, now it is believed here does somewhat falter and in Spirit too, and away from that said Indian/Chesapeake, or that said American/Bostonian and in speak too of Heritage truly that is.

In understanding the above said better, is to now speak of the very fact that, those now entering the United States of America in all, are in all again simply classified, and in three groups/spheres that is. That what this does in all mean is that, there are those who do in all even view the United States of America, and from speak primarily in all and of its Relations/Relationships, Social too, and as often said classified and under speak of the Marital, the Conjugal and of the Legal too that is. In all, a manner in all again, and of viewing the United States of America, and that does speak too of America's Court/Judicial System that is.

For others though, getting introduced and to American life, now does speak too, and of its Family, Parental and Institutional Systems, and as often said too, and to speak too of the United States of America's Health Sector/Industries that is [and in speak here too, and of a said Family Attorney, or a said Family Psychiatrist too that is].

The Blogger here though, does in all even now believe that, America in all, or the United States of America too, and as viewed too, and from speak of it all, and in speak of Education that is, now does offer far more opportunity in all again, and that does in all even speak too of American Monetary, Economic and Welfare Systems too, and as versus speak too in all and of America too, and in speak now of Privilege, Benefits, Allowances etc.

In all, America and as said faltering in its ways, believed now and shockingly and if not surprising enough, to lie, and in speak too and of only one term: Accreditation. That life in America today, or the United States of America truly, has become a miserable experience for many in all, and in speak now in all again, and of the very manner in all, most do define Treatment that is, and as said to speak too, and of Identity created, and in speak too now of Community/Genetic/Personal Make-up that is.

This though, Accreditation, and that does in all even speak of America's Institutions today, and as said surpassing most out there, has not dealt with many a said even Social issue/matter in all, and that does plague America today too, and as in all even said arising and with America's History and as said troubled/troubling too, and in speak too now perhaps, and of what does pass for Treatment/Reception/Acceptance, and in the United States of America too,  and in speak now and of American Citizenship in all again, simply said claiming that all Americans citizens/residents in all, are said accepted in society fully, and if not equally too, and in further speak too now, and of Merit in itself, Award or in speak too of Civil Conduct/Discipline that is.

The above is not believed said to be the actual truth, and in speak now of American life, and as defined and in speak of its Mental Health Institutes/Institutions that is, and in now saying that, American Identity, and as said grounded in all, and in speak of Treatment/Reception/Acceptance too that is, is not believed in all, to speak and of what does pass for satisfaction, and in speak too of America that is, but that in all again, speak now simply, and of whom/who in all Americans are said to be, and when they do harbour in all, Hatred, and for another, and for no said good reason either that is. That Rancour in all, is believed said now, and to speak too of the American Experience truly, and if and only if, one can understand in all again that, American Identity, and if not Personalities too, have in the past and as in the present it is believed here, been defined, and by speak too of only one term: Stakes.

That in speak of Stakes now, speak now and of American Identity and as said Social too, defined and in speak too of Solidarity, Harmony and Cohesion too in all, and as said now in all again, speaking of the very manner in all, American Social Identity has in the past existed, and as versus speak of present day America in all, and where Social Identity, now does speak too of Social Conditioning, and in speak now and of said preferential Treatment/Reception/Acceptance, and in further speak now and of what is believed said to pass for discrimination and in America today too that is.

Tuesday 24 March 2015



[Morris Day & The Time - Full Concert - 01/30/82 - Capitol Theatre (OFFICIAL)]

Most and who do know of America in all, have truly come across the term and of the Jerk that is. That whom/who in all again truly, are Jerks, simply said to be? They in all even, do not speak truly and of Success in America in all, and as defined and in speak of 'the Good life' too, and as often said in all, accompanied that is, and by speak too perhaps, and of the Criminal Act or Offence too that is.

Jerks though, do in all even speak of those who do in all even envision, Success and in America too in all, and in speak too and of what is believed said to stand and for Free Expression, and if not in speak of the Freedom of Speech too that is. That for many, the very goal of life, and in Meaning and Purpose, now does speak too and of the ability in all, and to truly freely Express oneself that is, and in speak now of true Satisfaction gained, and such that, a further belief in all, does say that, it is only America in all again, and that does provide for such said avenues in all so to speak, and simply where in all again, all this can be said accommodated/accounted for, or simple speak of being truly fulfilled that is. That hopefully, this is all understood, the very need in all, and in making American Contact of a kind that is, and in speak now and of one and as simply said in all even, truly freed from all Restriction that is, and in speak now and of it all, and as simply said going along in all again, and with speak of Sanctification too, and not Blessing or Grace either that is.

In saying that, the Blogger here in all, now does perceive Success in America, and not with 'the Good life' so to speak, but in speak of the need to fully truly Express oneself and in a said rather genuine manner in all, does now speak too, and of American Media, and that does Portray life as such, and in speak now of Free Expression in itself, is to now also say that, the goal of life in all, and as said American too perhaps, now does speak of the search for Appreciation, or speak to of Appeal in itself, and to an audience in all perhaps, simply said American and in Sensibilities too, and not English either that is.

In saying that, the Blogger here and as an Immigrant to America too perhaps, does in all even perhaps possess, a copy of Ayn Rands 'Atlas Shrugged', and as said too Well-Thumbed/Thumbed that is, now does speak too and of such Free Expression in all, and as embodied perhaps, and in speak of Objectivism, and as versus speak too of Subjectivism that is. In saying that American life today, and as said defined and by its current Media in all, and of changing American Lifestyles too, now does in all even struggle in all perhaps, and in expressing itself truly, and in an Objective manner that is, now does speak too perhaps, and of the growth in all and of a said National Conscience in America today too, or speak too of the United States of America and in a biographical form, and that does speak too perhaps, and of the very use of Historical Markers, and as a means/mode in all, and of recording American History that is.

In now saying that, the Statue of Liberty in itself, does go along too in all, and with speak of Jerks, is to now speak too and of Objectivism and as said a Philosophy in all, and that does speak too and of the American Universe that is, and in speak too now perhaps, and of if and if not, Pornography in all for instance, is said allowable, and in speak now and of what is believed said to speak of a said here, genuine or authentic American Experience that is.

In saying now that, Subjectivism and by the Blogger here, can best in all perhaps, be said truly described, and in speak of Shyness/Introversion in itself, is to now say that, the American Way of life, is believed now under threat, and from many a person, simply said Unpatriotic in all, and in speak truly, and of the very manner in all, one does define Patriotism and as said encompassing truly, talk of Subjectivism in itself, and if not of the American Rugby School too that is.

In conclusion, and in speak too of Jerks, and as now said even a Menace II Society in all, now does speak too and of the Statue of Liberty, and as now said too speaking of the Torch held, and as believed said to speak too of the Goddess Athena in all it is believed here, and if not of the Notre Dame and in America too that is, and in speak now and of the very belief that, Subjectivism in America today, does in all even speak and of what they do term the Liberal/Libertarian/Libertine Studies in all, and as with they in all even believed capable truly, and of telling us, why in all again, and in an often said prosperous or abundant America too in all, Pornography, does still remain something truly stimulating that is [that Pornstars in America today in all, are believed said to carry or have to them, munificent in all, names, and such as Traci Lords too that is].

"the Kid"

[Prince -- I Would Die 4 U (Radio Edit)]

The Teepee

The Teepee.

Many out there, have probably heard and of the very name of Geronimo. For most who have though, they in all even are said believed to come across a similar name and of a differing Persona, and that does speak of the name of Geronimo 'Il-jaga' Pratt that is. 

For those though, and who have in all heard of Geronimo, a most interesting and if not startling tale in all, is told, and of the said coming of the White Man, and in Conquest too, and in speak now of Apache Native Heritage in all, and if not of Apache Custom and History too, and as now said under threat, and from White Men too, and who are in all even referred to as 'Long Nose' too that is, and in talk now, and of the Apache World in all again, and as failing to in all defend, their very existence(s) that is.

That of Geronimo 'Ij-Jaga' Pratt on the otherhand, does carry somewhat similar undertones to it all, and in speak of the phrase here now, 'Who's Land is this'?, and in further speak too now, and of a said killing/murder, and of the Black Panther Party too, and as often referred to as the Black Panther Freedom Party that is.

In having said this, the very story of Geronimo in all, and of the Apache World too, now does come off, and in speak too of Conspiracy that is. That the issue/matter at hand, and in regards to all this, now does speak too, and of the Declaration of Independence, and in America too, but speak too, and of America's said hidden, Constitution that is [and amidsts talk here, and of many a said secret in all, said embedded in all perhaps, and in both the Declaration of Independence, and in the American Constitution too that is].

In understanding what we are trying to get at here, is to now say that, the defeat of Geronimo in all, and of the Apache World too, does not have to it, speak or reason in all, and of Military Superiority, and by the so termed 'White Man' too, but in speak truly now, and of Humility in itself. That the Apache World, faced one simple difficult task, and in regards to speak of conquest: their failing in all perhaps, and in speak of Humility too, and in answering the following question, 'How do you explain yourself?'. How do you explain yourself, and when you do claim to be fully American, and of American birth, and simply said defining oneself, and as said on American soil too that is.

It is right at that place in all, or point too, and that the Apache World in America, and in speak too of Geronimo in himself, does become embroiled in all, and with speak of Constitution and of the Declaration of Independence too that is. That it is believed in all, three Languages so to speak, do in all even exist in the United States of America in all again, and which can in all even be classified as Indian, American and WASP/Anglo too that is. That unknown to most, the American Declaration of Independence, and alongside its Constitution too, is said written in all, and in American so to speak, and not in WASP/Anglo English either that is. That the Apache World, and as said speaking Indian too, could not in all provide for sufficient proof or reason in all, and when simply asked 'How do you explain yourself'.

The rise of Modern Technologies, and as including speak of the Television and if not of the Radio too, and as now said too merging with the very world of Geronimo 'Il-jaga' Pratt, has simply in all even it is believed, compounded this matter/issue in all. That this all, now does speak too of the Television in all, and as said not providing for sufficient proof/reason in all, and when asked 'How do you explain yourself?'. That Content on the Television that is, is simply taken as it is, and in speak now of a Shift of Power in all, and in the United States of America too, and away from speak of Legislature, and onwards, and to speak of Critiques/Analysts that is. 

That in all, the very belief that, the American Constitution, and in Language too, is believed said, to contain in it, the very Language needed, to fully or truly explain oneself, and in speak now, and of the said belief here that, American Wealth, Status and definitions of Dignity too in all, do in all even it is believed, triumph over others out there, but that in all again, this does speak too, and of the very manner in all, one does explain themselves, and in everything one does, and in speak too of God, and as in all even referring, and to the very belief that, the United States of America today, is simply said Lawless in the very least, and in speak of the American State here too, and as said simply defined and in speak of American Media too that is.

One more time, for the road:


[Prince -- If I Was Your Girlfriend]

Monday 23 March 2015

The Supernatural

The Supernatural.

What do we in all mean, and when we do refer and to the Supernatural? It in all again, is not something easy to explain, for most in all, are simply said not to know too much, and of the Natural that is.

This entry and in many a way though, has very much to do, and with the very manner in all, one could very well perceive the Supernatural, and in speak too now and of the rise and birth too, and of the often termed Modern City that is. For most in all again, are believed said in all even unacquainted truly, and with speak of the Natural in itself, and are in all truly again, now believed said too, and to be truly unaware, and of the Supernatural in itself that is.

In saying that, and in speak too of the Egyptian tradition perhaps, that the Supernatural in all, does in all even go along, and with our definitions of Awareness, Consciousness and Conscious States too, is to in all again perhaps, not say too much of it all that is. That for most, approaching the Supernatural as such, is believed even said an exercise, and in self-mockery too. In saying that the often termed Modern City in all, is believed in all even defined, and in speak of Survival too, and with Counting Systems in all again, and that do in all even not speak too of Natural Lifestyles, and in speak too here and of a Ranch, and with many a Cowboy to it, is to now and in all even, claim the Seasons, and as said to speak too of the Modern City, and of the Seasonal, and with many a said Natural Lifestyle that is.

However, the Supernatural, and the Natural, is not believed in all, and to speak of Counting, but in all again, and of Numbers that is. That Numbers, or Numbering truly, does differ in all, and from Counting, and in now knowing that, Numbers, or speak too of the Natural Numbers, and of Numbering in itself truly, does speak too of the Natural in all, and if not of Nature in itself too, and in speak now, and of that said person and with chump change in his pockets, and as now said visiting a favourite Record Store in all, and in all again, simply wondering what Records in all, to buy that is. That in all again, it all simply speaks of Numbering, and not Counting truly either.

In having said that the Natural Numbers, and in speak too of Numbering, is the key to understanding in all, the Natural and in speak too of Nature, the further belief here that the Supernatural in all, is believed said to lie and above the Natural too, now does speak too, and of the very belief that, it does not actually speak of Counting, and as said referring and to speak of Fractions in all, but in all again, and of Numbering, and in speak of Decimals too that is. In all, the Supernatural, and in speak now and of that knock on the door, and that does in all even promise, to end all of ones miseries that is.

In all again, and in conclusion too, speak now, and of the Supernatural and Natural, and if not of Counting too, and as said encoded in all, and in speak now and of our very Voices that is, and in further speak now and of Tonals, Tonalities and of Tones too [Link], and in speak too now, and of our accessing the Supernatural in all that is.



[Pretty Poison -- Catch Me (I'm Falling) [HD]]

This entry, will in all deal too, and with what is assumed or presumed, and to speak too of Liberty in itself. That it in all again, now does deal, and with the very manner in all, we do in all again, define life that is, and as probably best said here in all, equated, and with speak of the Animate, and of the Inanimate too.

That Man in all, is often said truly Animate, and is in all even described and as said Inanimate too, and when said in all, Prostrate, or speak too of Man, and in Death too that is [and not as said Dead or Dying that is]. In saying that, Man and as said equating to the Inanimate in all, now does speak too and as just mentioned before, and of the Prostrate, is to now in all even associate one and as perhaps said extinct in their ways, or in speak too of decadence, and with one finding themselves very much Prostrate that is.

In having said this, is to now speak too of Man perhaps, and as said not Animate truly, but in speak now, and of whom/who in all, Man, is said to be, or is, and when said not Animate or Inanimate too that is. That it in all, now does describe Man, and in speak too, and of whom/who in all, he is, and in speak of Stance(s), Posture(s) and Pose(s) too that is. That the three, now do in all even define Man and in Intellect and Imagination too, and in speak too now, and of equating them to life, the three forementioned that is, and not in speak of the Probable either that is, but in speak too of Heaven and Hell in all.

That hopefully, the above is understood in a said context, that Man, and in speak too of the Stance(s), Posture(s), and Pose(s) and that he does in all even hold, maintain or have to him in all again, now does have him, having many a thought too in all, and as having to do with Hell and Heaven, and if not speak too of Deed and Act that is.

That it is in all now, and in speak of him now, Man, and in Deed or Act, and if not Action too in all, and simply where in all again, he does in all even become said truly Animate in all, and in speak now and of the Animate, and as said best equated here perhaps, and to our very definition in all, and of Liberty in itself that is.

Saturday 21 March 2015

Mary Jane

Mary Jane.

Why do we Communicate? For other than speak of Survival in itself perhaps, it can be said here, and to speak of a thin said line, and between Attention and Conceitedness too. For this in all now, does speak even, and of those who do believe Prince & the Revolution for instance, to have in all even spoken of the Thermometer, and not of such a said thin line in all that is.

In understanding all this too much better, perhaps now, a question in all, and of the very role in all again, Technology, is said to play and in our very lives, and in saying that, if our Communications in all are believed said defined, and in speak of a said thin line and between Attention and Conceitedness, then the very reason in all, and that does speak of why we do actually Communicate, does in all even speak in all even perhaps, and of the following three terms: Amazement, Astonishment and Apprehension too.

 In saying that, the above in all, and in name of clarity too, does speak of American Lifestyles, and in speak now and of American Technology too, and as defined as such, then the very question and of whom/who in all Man is, and outside speak too perhaps of Technology in all, does very much still remain, and as with it all even said to speak and of what they do call/term Glam Rock, and if not speak too of (Wendy Melvoin) in herself that is.

That the above in all, does speak too of Man, and as said Pious in his ways, and in speak too now, and of the very word of Distinguish that is. That in speak of being Pious here in all again, and of Glam Rock too, speak now and of Man, and as said in search for himself perhaps, and in speak too now of the term Distinguish, and as said to refer, and to Man in all, and as truly distinguishing himself in all again, and from God, and if not from his very Environs too that is[ and such that, he does actually in all discover himself, and as said truly fully Man that is].

In all, the very world of the Pious so to speak, and as perhaps now asking us to define ourselves, and in speak too of Distinction, Uniqueness or Singularity too, and as with it all even perhaps referring and to our breaking down, or falling apart in all again, and in our now, failing in all, and to in all even truly discern (or 'Make out' truly), the said thin line, and that does truly exist, and between Attention and Conceitedness, and as with it all even said to refer in all, and to speak of Love too that is.

[Starpoint -- Object Of My Desire]

Friday 20 March 2015

American Writers

American Writers.

In the Search for Man

In the Search for Man.

Ever come across or been held up, and in the following scenario in all? A Man walks into a said famed or favourite Bar or Hang-out in all, and looks around, and before checking in and into or onto the Counter, and simply asking, 'Where is everybody?. The reply, and is if he in all is simply said to not be in the know, now does have a glare or stare to it, and that does say, 'Out as can be', 'Chuck is out by the way, out in the Lake', 'Tim left for Arkansas yesterday, and Rex is gone out downtown, and in search for himself apparently'. Ever heard of such a conversation, for it now does speak too, and of Man, and as said in search for himself, and if not in search of Jurisprudence, and as said to speak of Meaning and Purpose too that is.

That hopefully the above is understand, the Jurisprudence part of it all, and of Man said lacking in Meaning and Purpose, and in his now said to be, and in the Search for Man, and if not of himself too that is.

That most today, simply have no idea and of simply how best in all, to go about living out their lives, and in speak too perhaps and of the Moment, and if not of Anguish too, and in speak of a said perhaps, lost Love that is.

That in all, Man today, is simply said to be suffering and from deep Anguish, and if not in speak of Emptiness in itself, and in speak now and of the Search for Man, and as believed said best equated and to speak too of Jurisprudence that is, or in speak too and of that person or persons, and as versus speak of people or peoples too, and who does in all even define for one, life, and in speak now and of many a Guess, Hunch or Premonition too that is [and if not speak of the Gamble, the Bet, or the Ploy too in all]. That such said Men or Man too in all, is believed said to possess or hold, the very Keys in all, and to life in itself, and in speak now and of Death, and as best equated, and to speak of Drowning in itself, and if not speak of Boredom too that is.

In saying that most out there, are believed said to be in the Search for Man, is to now equate others out there, and as said in all even Minions of a kind that is. That in all, Man is said held in Bondage, or simply said Servile in his ways/manners, and in his perhaps said not recognizing, that Jurisprudence in all, now does speak too and of God in Man that is.

In having said this, the very question now, and of simply where in all again, one could in all even, be said to find, or see Man in himself that is. That in speak of the World and as it is today, the very search for Man, now equated in all perhaps, and to speak too of Horoscopes, Astrology and of the Astrological too, and as with it all even equating, and to speak of Magazine cultures for instance. There are those though, and who do in all even associate the Search for Man, and in speak now and of Cosmogony, Cosmology and of the Cosmological too, and as said to refer in all perhaps, and to speak of Philosophy/Texts too that is. What of the so often believed said Golden Age of Man, and where the Search for Man, and in true experience too, did in all even speak of Music, Art and of Song too, and in speak now in all, and of Literature, and of Literary sources/works/materials too that is.

This Blog though, is of the believe that, life today, is probably in all best perceived, and in speak now and of 'the Dead', 'the spirits of the Dead', and if not of 'the Living Dead' too that is. That in all, Man in himself, and in speak of Jurisprudence too, and if not of Meaning and Purpose, and of finding/seeing God within one, does in all even speak of us all, and in speak of ties & bonds, and that do refer in all again, benevolently too, and to speak of a deep said conscience and on many a thing, but in many a way too, in speak now, and of one and in many a said Possessed state, and that does in all even at the very least, speak of one and as living out, or reliving in many a way, the very life in all, and of many a truly said famed Character that is.

[Ready For The World -- Oh Sheila]

The Autocrat

The Autocrat.

[Prince & 3RDEYEGIRL -- 'She's Always In My Hair']

This very entry, has to do, and with the very manner in all, we do in all even perceive, Acrimony, and in our very lives too that is. That what is Acrimony said to be? It in all even, can be said to speak truly and of the denominator and of 'the United States of America' too, and in the very belief that, there are many out there, and who do in all even simply wish to live out lives, grand in their ways, and not in speak of Success and of 'Making it' too that is, but in speak truly now, and of whom/who in all one is said to be, and in speak of Acrimony that is. That it is very well known that, Success and in speak of American life too, is not all there is, for it in all even, has now come and to be truly embroiled in all, and in speak of Constitution, and of the Constitutional truly, American, and such that, most are said unaware perhaps, that the American Declaration of Independence, July 1776, had more to do, and with 'Making it' in life, and not in speak of Success truly either that is. Something in all again, not too easy to explain here, and other than talk of the Constitutional, and in speak now of it said American or not (or said too Minority, Immigrant, Alien, Immigre etc.), and in saying that, America today in all, or the United States of America truly, and as said in all even truly helping its Citizens in all, and if they not said truly Residents that is, define Success, and in their very own Right/Capacity perhaps, does not in all even, speak in all again, and of American life and as lived to its fullest perhaps, and in speak of satisfaction in itself too, for the question in all does still very much remain/arise, and amongst many an American, and of what is believed said to truly speak of the American, and in Identity too, and in speak now and of the Constitutional, and if not of Conservative, Liberal, Moderate, Radical, Grassroots etc., Politics that is, and such that, many a Success, and in the United States of America today, can be said overlooked or undermined too, and in speak too of a National Conscience, but that in all even, the so termed Electoral Vote, can be said to speak of the very issues/matters in all, and that most Americans do consider to be of prime importance or significance too, and in now saying that, American Success, today, is not perceived truly and from speak of Impact in all, or in speak of Impropriety too, but in all even now, and from speak of Regulation in itself that is.

The American Declaration of Independence, did in all even define Americans, and as said Citizens, and not Residents truly either. For the Constitution in all, American, now does speak too, and a said Acrimonious World in all, American, and that does attempt in all again, and to truly define in the very least, American Human Rights in all. That there is believed said a Conspiracy here, and in speak of God, Man and of Religion too, and that does in all even say that, the original perhaps, American Constitution, does remain unknown to most in all, and in speak now, and of truly knowing whom/who in all they are, and in Right too and in saying the least, and in furtherly saying that, it does refer and to speak of American definitions truly, and of God, Human nature, Dignity etc., and if not speak truly perhaps, and of what every person in America, is simply said to be in search for, and in speak now, and of a life truly defined and in satisfaction in itself that is. 

That in saying that, the American Constitution, does in all even define for most Americans, what Wealth is believed said to truly be or stand for in all, the American Declaration of Independence, did in all even speak of 'Making it' in life, and in speak now too, and not of Civil Rights or Civil Liberties, but in truly in all again, in speak now and in a base manner too in all, and of what does constitute and for an American Drama that is. That in simply saying that Man is simply said created in the Image of God, does speak too perhaps, and of Man and in Debate, and with God, but in saying that, it does speak too of the Party System, and in America in all truly, it does now speak too of Republicans and Democrats, and in saying that, what they do call a Party System in all, does in all even speak perhaps, and of what in all again, we are said trying to Embody that is. That in all, there is no God perhaps, and other than in speak of Embodiment, and in further speak too of Man now and as said defined, and in speak of Desecration, Taint or even Abuse too in all, and in speak now truly, and of whether Man today is recognizing of himself as such, and in speak of God, and in his being defined, Man that is, and in speak of Negligence too for instance, and if not speak of Loyalty, Honour and Respect too that is. That in all, many a question asked, and in regards and to the Noble nature (ways/manners) of Man, and in regards to speak, and of what is believed said to be, and of what is simply said is that is [and in simple speak here, and of the Institution of Marriage in the United States of America that is, and in Meaning and Purpose too in all].

In having said that, the above in all, this very Blog in all, perhaps truly now, speaking of the American Constitution, and in speak too, and of Acrimony in itself that is. That the United States of America in Acrimony, does speak too of the Secret History it is believed, and of (the United States of) America in all, and that does speak too of Freemasonry and of many a Secret Society too,, and as believed said in all even perhaps, to simply speak and of the Dignity of Man that is. That this in all perhaps, is believed said what everyone in America in all again, and in speak of this very day, today, too, is simply said searching for, and in speak too of the thrills and excitement in all, and that life has to offer, and of Man and as said Individual, and in Shame too, and if not in Memory too perhaps. In all, the Individual here, and as said defined and in speak of Judgment in itself perhaps, and in speak of clarity's sake too for instance.

In all again, the above, and as truly asking perhaps, and of one, to truly ponder in all, the Validation/Validating of life in itself, and in speak of Justice too, and if not speak of Man, and as now said defined truly, and in speak too perhaps, and of Existentialism in itself that is.

[Casino -- Sometimes It Snows In April Acoustic Prince Cover]