Monday 4 August 2014

The Underside

The Underside.

(Charlie Murphy)

Memories of a childhood spent, spent a-swimming in all, and not too often than not, and with my said diving, and into the Pool, down and onto the very bottom, and just to see myself turn, upward, and look upon, many a belly or being, and as said swimming across the pool, and with my attempting now not to laugh or smirk in all that is. That in many a way, is what, an Underside, can be said to be. 

In all, the Underside, and as presenting a new manner and in all again, and of viewing just about, anything, and from speak of Humour or Sensuality, but in all ways even, can be used to speak, and of what a distinct Memory, and as going along and with Media and as said a Conduit too, truly is like. In attempting though, and to make all this African, is to speak of Gender relations/relationships, and as going along and with speak of the Counterpart, and not the Partner either.


[DeBarge -- Rhythm Of The Night]