Sunday 3 August 2014

The Formal Intro. (2)

The Formal Intro. <2>

The previous entry (or Last entry too, and not last entry either), cannot be said to have told the full or whole story, and of the African experience, and in the last 200 years perhaps, and as told and from a Philosophical stance that is. That it in all, does speak and of just how Africans do perceive God, and as with it all even and erroneously too, said to speak of the Nubian that is. 

In understanding the above better, and speak truly too, and of the 'nigger' mindset and of the Nubian and a way from Egyptian influence, is to in all ways even speak and of just why in all, the African has come to be misaligned and in recent History too, and away from speak, and of Conspiratorial talk, and of an unknown History of the World (or as said Hidden too), and which does speak of Africans (and as said outside Africa too), and as Wealthy, Responsible and Enviable people that is [and as with it all even said speaking of Glastonbury Abbey and in England too, and with King Arthur, and as versus speak of Arthur, and as said very much African in his ways that is; or in Myth too in particular]. In all, a said re-writing of History perhaps, and that does present History falsely, in that, it does attempt to reduce life and as seen/found in Africa, and to the view that, the African is simply said not Intelligent that is. In understanding this, is to perhaps present the view, that life outside Africa, and as said rising and into society in itself, did speak and of truly defining oneself, and in speak of Rite and Ritual that is [that the African in all, and as oft equated and to the Nubian too, and in speak of Adaptation that is, is simply said to have failed in his ways and as with regards to see his knowing just whom/who in all, he is, and with Rite and Ritual, but that in all again, and to many an unknowing person, life in Africa in all, is truly defined and in speak of Somasis/Response, Psycho-Somatic disease, or truly and in all again, Africa, and as said and to truly refer, and to what some do term the 'Human Condition', and as with it all even said to speak and of one, and as said Hybrid, and in resistance too that is].

In all perhaps, the very view that the Egyptians were never truly African, and in speak of falsely presenting Egyptian History, and as with it all even said to speak of Rite and Ritual, but that in all ways too, Egyptians and Egypt, and as said in all, not to create Identity and as going along and with speak of Somasis, when in reality, Egyptian Somasis, does in all speak of the very Title, and of 'Pharaoh' that is. In many a way, and in speaking of Somasis outside Africa, and as not speaking of one and as said highly Adaptable in all (and as the African is said believed and to truly be), is to also speak of Jungian and Freudian terms, and such as the Id, the Superego or even the Self and Unconscious too [and as in stating that, what they do term African Christianity in all, and as said separate and from other forms of Christianity, and as with it all even said Coptic too and in Somasis that is, does attempt to define Africa, and in speak of Myth, and that does go along and with speak of the African Unconscious, African Dream states, and the African, and as said a Dream-Maker too that is; and speak too and of life, and as very much experienced  and as a Dream too that is][African Christianity : Link].

In all again, King Arthur, and as said African in all, does not only speak of his defining himself and in speak of Rite, but that in Myth, he is also very much African/Egyptian, and in Somasis too that is. In all, it is South Africa, and not Egypt either, and that is Alien and to the rest of Africa, and as with regards to Somasis, and as Somasis in South Africa, does speak in all, and of the Wizard of Oz actually, but that Africa in all, and as viewed and from speak of Somasis & Adaptation, is said in all, truly Egyptian (and in speak of History and Time in itself), and not South African either. In all again, Africans, and as said outside Africa, living lives and of Rite and Ritual, and not Somasis truly either, and with those aware of this very fact, finding themselves successes in all, and simply in all again viewing Africa, and as a Distant Home, in that, Africa in all, is acquainted, and with speak of Egyptian History too that is [and speak even, and of the very name Tutankhamun or Imhotep too for instance].

[Chaka Khan -- Through the fire]

To be continued.........