Tuesday 5 August 2014



The heading/header Pieces in all, has no true and indirect reference, and to Pisces that is. It in all though, is said and to speak here in all, and of the Piecing of Life together that is [and as in further speak here in all, and of life too, and as said breaking down actually]. This in all, might sound depressing and to those who do wish and for life, and to go along and as smoothly, and as it all can probably be said to be. This and in all is just not true, and if and only if, life, is not only perceived and from speak of the 'pain barrier' for instance (and one and as crossing it, and feeling truly good about oneself), but that in all, it does refer, and to just what to make of life, and as in living it out and in speak of truly defining success and for oneself, but that in all ways even, it does speak and of just how we do in all, perceive History, and with life in all again, said in all, and to have the most simplest and of Trajectories that is.

To understand in all, and in clearer perspective, just what the Media Conduit is all about, is to in all again, truly even attempt to associate Media and with Conduit too, and as a true Philosophy in itself [and as with it all even speaking of something, and as said longstanding (and in Contract perhaps), or even, simply worth pursuing that is]. That in all, this does speak and of just how we do perceive Death, and as with it in all and in many a way truly, going along, and with speak of Quality/Quantity Standards/Ideals, and in our lives too that is.

The first of references and as having to do with Death, does in all, have to do, and with speak of the Bereaved [and speak in all, and of one, and as said even, truly fearing, and in losing many a thing that is]. What of the Passing, and as with it even said to have come to truly define European History, and as in speaking here, and of Le Morte D'Arthur for instance, or even 'The Passing of Merlin' too that is. The Passage, and as something taken lightly and when speaking of Death, does speak in all, and of just how most out there, do perceive Death, and as with it all simply referring and to Death and as a Passage in itself, and Passage in all perhaps, and that can be acquainted, and with Diplomatic rendering/servicing in all, and as going along, and with one being asked for instance, to in all, visit a Monarchy for instance, and in an Alien or Foreign land that is. You do also have 'the Heavens' in all, and as with it all even going along and with speak of the Undertaking too, and further references, and to being exposed and to the perfect Communal life for instance, and in a Vision too perhaps, and speak here in all, and of the History of America (Link), its Rise and Fall (and as believed as such and by the Blogger here too), such that, America today and as referred to and as the United States of America, does very much go along and with life, and as perceived and from the very perspective and of the Bereaved that is [Link]. What of Heaven & Hell, and as with it in all, speaking of Italian History (Link), and the foolhardiness of Man too, in that, it does speak of one and as said exposed and to the Polarities of Life, and such that, Life in all, is simply defined, and from speak of endless Laughter for instance, and as with it all even said ending, and in simple speak, and of what a true Eulogy, truly is [and as in stating that, most don't truly know, just where Italians in all, do in all leave for, and upon dying that is][Link]. What of the Moment (of Truth)? It in all, and as said speaking of Italian-American History for instance, or speak in all again, and of the unknown or hidden History and of the United States or speak too and of Pre-Revolutionary War America/United States too that is. In all, the Moment (of Truth), and as going in many a way too, and with African History, and as said even, and to speak of Uncle Remus for instance.

For those though, and as engaging and in Media and as a Conduit, the very belief that, Death in all, does speak of the Answer, and as it does in all again, refer, and to the Piecing of life (and as in picking up whats left, and from a said Evolutionary perspective too), and such that, one does create a life for oneself, and as with regards and to speak of the Times too, and that can be said enviable to all that is [and as in referring here, and to its unique ways, and such that, it cannot in all, be truly copied that is, but simply praised in all actually].

In many a way though, all this too, and as calling for an understanding of Life, and in speak of Song, Pain & Aches, Solitude, Salutations [and speak in all even, and of European History, and as said Moor/'African', and further speak too, and of the very world of the Musketeer for instance], but with what they do term the Taunt, recommended in all perhaps, and for those engaging, and in Media, and as said as a Conduit too that is.

The Taunt:


[Commodores -- Nightshift]