Wednesday 6 August 2014

The Sectarian

The Sectarian.

Just whom/who in all, are those said Sectarian, in all truly like? A not too difficult question to ponder, but one whose resultant find, might be a surprise to many. For the Sectarian, does in all speak, and of just how many a Sect out there, does come in all, and to readily even, influence, the lives of many a person, and in society too that is.

In putting the above and in plain terms, is to propose the very view that, Sectarian life, does have to do, and with just how in all, we do define the Unchanging, the Changing and the Constant too. For the Unchanging in all, does simply speak perhaps, and of just whom/who in all we are, and as with regards and to what some do term Enactment that is. On the otherhand, the Changing, and as going along, and with speak of Acting (Out) in itself actually. It is however and in all though, and with the Constant, that we do in all find life, troubling, and in many a way too [and the very belief in all that, of all said famed or celebrated peoples/figures today, it is those who are to be seen/found and in the Sports World in all, and who do actually live, the most base/boring of lifestyles, and when it does come to having lots of possessions that is].

In all, the Constant, and as having its defining differing and in History too, such that, most today don't truly recognize just how in all, the ancients for instance, did actually live out their lives that is. That for the Egyptians, the Constant, and as going along and with (Physical) States too, and speak even, and of one and as said having, an aching back that is. What of the Greeks? They in all did actually envision societies, and with the Constant, and as speaking of (Energy) Fields in all, and as in telling one that, Greek life, is simply not understood to most, and as it does in all, go along, and with speak of 'Fielding', and the Constant too that is [or speak perhaps, and of those said at the right place, and at the right time too that is]. What of Italy? For no one speaks of Italian life truly, but simply in all, and of Italy that is. For it was in Italy, and speak of the World too, and as now said acknowledging the Christian Faith in all, and in all again, just where in all, the Constant, did speak of (Time) Ticks and Tocks too, and as with the Constant, simply said to speak and of us (and not we either) and as simply said Ticking that is [Link].

For those though, who do wish to have different views of the Constant, and as with it all and in most ways today, said to speak of Emotional States for instance [and speak too and of poor Physical Health too that is], is to present a differing view of the Constant, and that does go along and with speak of Faces, a single Memory, Souls, Presences, the Seasons etc.

In all, while those who do view Media, and as said a Conduit too, might be obsessed with Presences in all, it is believed that, Souls in all (and as in speak here, and of many a person and as simply said truly changing in their ways), might be something to ponder (out) that is.
