Sunday 3 August 2014

The Formal Intro. (3)

The Formal Intro. [3]

This final entry, and in the Formal Intro. series, will attempt to have the African in all perhaps, and as with he/she even believed, to view African Christianity, and as compared to speak of other African Religion, and as forming the very basis of life and in Africa and as said a Continent too in all [and life and as said lived inside Africa, and not within it either][Inside Africa - Link, Within Africa - Link][and life too, and as said to speak, and of the Egyptian Memory that is][Link]. In all, speak of a Reclamation process here, and of the African and as said Reclaiming his very Presence and if not Soul, and with the African Presence, said to speak too in all, and of 'Pharaoh', and as versus that seen outside Africa, Presence, and which does in all speak of Hermes for instance (and of Alexander the Great too), or truly in all again, and of Abraham in himself that is.

In having said this, is to in all ways even speak of the very World we live in, today that is, and as very much dominated and by speak of Media in itself, and many a portrayal/presentation in all, and that does speak in all, and of one and as said favoured, and by society too that is.

In all, what is being promoted here, is a view and of Africans (and as said simply ascribing and to African Christianity), a Media in all, and that will allow for them and to live a life, and of their own Bearing, and in speak of a World today, and that does basically attempt to define itself, and as Godless too that is [and speak of Success or 'Making it', and as going along and with speak of having found oneself as Valued/Valuable or Worthy, and a way from speak of God too that is][Link].

In all, what does this Media and that does attempt to have Africans, and of all kinds of proportions or being in all, truly finding Happiness in themselves, and as said to speak of Presences, and not of the Human Soul truly either, and in a World, and which is simply perceived and by the Blogger, and to simply have forsaken God, and from a Historical Context that is [and basic speak in all, and of Media today, Western in all, and as simply said to falsely represent just about all 'there is' that is].

In all, the proposed Media below, can be said and to go along and with speak of truly Defining ourselves, and from the following Design in all:

1. The Intro: And as basically said to speak of Introductions, Openings, Commencements, Debuts, Launchings etc.

2. Adaptation Models: And which in all, do basically speak of African Psychology & Religion, and as with it all even said to speak of African Christianity and IFA too for instance.

3. Avatars: And speak too, and of those simply said to be the most perfect of us all, and as with regards and to finding oneself, and as in speak of one and as not fearful, or complaining/whining, and about life, and from the very perspective and of Acceptance, Rejection and Ridicule in itself too [and speak here in all, and of Names, and such as ATUM in itself that is][ATUM].

4. Being: Being, and as speaking in all, and of the Human, and as said Magical in his ways, and as simply defined and from speak of Tempo, Flow and Beat too [and nothing much else either, and from a Physical stance/perspective that is].

5. Interfaces: Probably the most difficult of the above and in the defining, in that, Interfaces in all, do speak and of just how we do define Access, and in our lives too, and as with it all even speaking of a Subconscious awakening, Imagination in itself, Inner Voices, or truly in all perhaps, speak too, and of society, and Modern Psychology too, and as said to go along, and with speak of the Query (and the African Unconscious), and in all its forms too that is.

[Jermaine Stewart -- We Don't Have To Take Our Clothes Off]