Tuesday 19 August 2014



What in all are Mirrors? They in all,can be said and to simply fail in all, and to take a place, and in speak of many a Psychological Model, Freudian, Jungian, Erickson etc., but with they in all said perhaps, to bring a view of oneself, and that does speak of Outlines, and Outer and Inner Forms too that is. Outlines too, and as said merging with those in Nature, and as speaking in all, and of an Immanent God that is.

Mirrors, and speak too of Immanence, and the very belief in all that, that one in all, is still in many a way, to truly come out, and from speak, and of what some do term a Shell that is [and speak too, and of Chick and the Egg, or the Shedding of Skin, and by a Snake too perhaps]. What though, does this coming out truly entail? It in many a way, could be said to speak of the following (and alongside speak of Mirrors too), and of Life in all, and as simply said exposing oneself, and to past infractions, and as referring and to the changing nature of Life in itself, and as speaking of God, and as said Immanent too that is [that Life, and as simply said in Flux in all, is believed said still very much awaiting to truly express itself, and in speak of Shells too in all, and Outlines too, and speak too, and of the very Act of Blossoming that is]. What in all, does stand for Life and as said in Flux, and as truly exposing oneself, and to ones Infractions? To speak of it all and as Drama, it does in all even, speak of the following:

Reflections, and as opening one up to Memory in itself.

Masks, and as opening one up to Shame.

Compulsion, and as opening one up to Indulgence.

Signature, and as opening one up to Tickle/Laughter.

Obsession, and as opening one up to Fear that is.