Saturday 2 August 2014

The Formal Intro.

The Formal Intro.

What in all, does a Formal Intro. serve for, and in this very Blog perhaps? It in many a way, does speak in all, and of what has been going on (and not truly transpiring too), and in the last 200 years that is. That society and since then, and as said to speak of Humanity or Mankind too, has found itself redesigned in all, such that, one no longer seeks to use Religion or Philosophy, and in understanding its ways, but in all ways, does truly ascribe and to simply being truly Informed perhaps, and further speak here, and of Gossip in itself too that is.

In speaking of the said root causes in all, and that do serve and for the inspiration and for the creating of this Blog, is to in many a way, speak not only of Etiology for instance, but speak again, and of having grown up, and having watched 'Waynes World 2' that is [and as with it even said to have a defining moment to it, and that does speak of Aerosmith, and many a 'We are not Worthy' chant to it all too actually]. Growing up, thats whom I wanted to be and in Free Expression too, and without feeling judged or called upon, and to answer for myself, and upon showing such open Feeling or emotion that is.

In all, and in the attempt and in summarizing the above, and further speak too here, and of my having wanted to move to America, change my Profile (and as with it all going along and with speak of Gym Work, and as vouched for in all, and by Arnorld Schwarzenneger too for instance, or truly speak even and of the innate belief that, I did possess a 'moj' and that did in all say that, I did in all actually know how to deal or dally with, and with many a said Hot Chick too, and as with she or he in all even, simply said somewhat American truly, and Rocksy Foxy in her ways too perhaps), I would then simply learn just how to truly enjoy myself in all, and from more or less a Free Expression perspective, and not that pertaining to Materiality or Materialism that is [having discovered in all perhaps, that Ambition, did not matter to me, and that in many a way, I was simply prone to more or less, live out, a Religious life, of a kind too that is]. In all, having destroyed Ambition, and as an Impulse too perhaps, one could say that, I did in all develop a Defeatist mindset or mentality to me, and as those around me in all, did only seek or wish, to truly seek out perhaps, Ambition, and as with it even said to speak of Suge Knight in himself that is.

Did I miss out in Life? A question perhaps, I do not only in all, often ponder anymore, and as in speak here, and of my having nothing in all, or 'at all' too, and to say to many a stranger or person or being met that is, but that in all ways truly, all thoughts and as occurring to me, did in all originate, and with my Free Expression years in all, and with Free Expression too, simply said here in all again, and in the Western World that is, and to speak of Discriminatory attitudes, and as said to speak of the Psyche actually [that the very Rulers and of the Western World, do in all attempt to limit Free Expression, and as with it said in all, and to speak of society and as falling apart, and as Ambition in all, and from which the Western World does simply build itself upon, is now truly said threatened that is]. Having said all this, is to then point out in all that, society, and as said White too perhaps, does in all speak of said 'White people', and as truly controlling the Free Expression and of those said not White, while Institution on the otherhand, and as with it said Western, has failed to truly define Ambition and for many a so termed 'Minority' that is, but with the so termed Modern World, simply speaking and of us all, and as simply said not African, and with Africans in all, simply said a simple, savage, primitive and even awkward people in all that is.

Africans : Link1, Link2

Back though, and to Free Expression, and a way from Suge Knight too that is. 

This Blog in all, will not attempt to speak of Ambition or Free Expression in itself, but in many a way too, speak truly even, and of Africa, the Media, Intellect, and in all ways even, speak of Discriminatory attitudes and as possessed or held, and by those in all, who simply just 'Fetishize' the African, and in his ways too, and by attempting in all, and to hold him a said primitive (and one said a 'nig' too perhaps), and as with regards and to very belief in all that, Africans, and when it does come in all, and to Media Layouts & Formats, and as said Western too, do simply look like Buffoons in them, and when presented in Western Media that is [that in all, Western Media Formats & Layouts, are said to speak of Civility and Civilization in itself, and any other said Formatting or Layouts, do in all simply speak of Backwardness, and in Intellect, Intelligence or Civilized lifestyles too that is]. In all, the very belief that, Western 'Civilization', and as presented and from speak of Formats & Layouts (Media), does speak and of those said African in all, and as simply said Unaware in their ways, but in all truly even, speak of Africans and as now said creative in their ways, and in redefining, life in itself, and from a Formats & Layouts perspective, such that, associating themselves and with certain said basic Formats & Layouts, does free themselves in all, and in basically thinking freely that is (and as with regards to speak of Core Identity for instance) [and further speak too here, and of Arnorld Schwarzenegger for instance], and in all ways even, a realization in all perhaps, and that Western society/civilization, is not what it is touted to be that is [and from the very perspective of speak and of what some do term a Media Presentation, and as with it all even going along and with Formats & Layouts, and that do speak of success in the Western World, and as going along and with all forms or kinds, and of incongruities and such as theft in itself too for instance][that Western Media Formats & Layouts in all, don't always present the whole or full picture, and of what is truly happening, and in any given place or time that is]. In all, Western Media Formats & Layouts, and as truly going along in all, and with the very view that, Africans, are simply said to be exploitable in all, and in one manner or another that is.

[Pebbles -- Girlfriend]