Saturday 23 August 2014

The Internet

The Internet.

The Persian Gulf

The Persian Gulf.

A region of the Middle East, and whose Memory in all, does very much go along, and with speak of the Zanj that is.

Tuesday 19 August 2014



What in all are Mirrors? They in all,can be said and to simply fail in all, and to take a place, and in speak of many a Psychological Model, Freudian, Jungian, Erickson etc., but with they in all said perhaps, to bring a view of oneself, and that does speak of Outlines, and Outer and Inner Forms too that is. Outlines too, and as said merging with those in Nature, and as speaking in all, and of an Immanent God that is.

Mirrors, and speak too of Immanence, and the very belief in all that, that one in all, is still in many a way, to truly come out, and from speak, and of what some do term a Shell that is [and speak too, and of Chick and the Egg, or the Shedding of Skin, and by a Snake too perhaps]. What though, does this coming out truly entail? It in many a way, could be said to speak of the following (and alongside speak of Mirrors too), and of Life in all, and as simply said exposing oneself, and to past infractions, and as referring and to the changing nature of Life in itself, and as speaking of God, and as said Immanent too that is [that Life, and as simply said in Flux in all, is believed said still very much awaiting to truly express itself, and in speak of Shells too in all, and Outlines too, and speak too, and of the very Act of Blossoming that is]. What in all, does stand for Life and as said in Flux, and as truly exposing oneself, and to ones Infractions? To speak of it all and as Drama, it does in all even, speak of the following:

Reflections, and as opening one up to Memory in itself.

Masks, and as opening one up to Shame.

Compulsion, and as opening one up to Indulgence.

Signature, and as opening one up to Tickle/Laughter.

Obsession, and as opening one up to Fear that is.

Monday 18 August 2014

The Three Africa's

The Three Africa's.

(Dance, Performance Song, Poetry)

And with Poetry Africa, recommended and in speak and of the Contents of this Blog that is.

[Angelique Kidjo -- "Agolo"]

Sunday 17 August 2014

The Limited Release

The Limited Release.

[Sheena Easton -- What Comes Naturally]

The Lounge

The Lounge.

(Minneapolis, Schnapps)

Generalized Settings, and speak too and of Media, and as said 'Conduit' that is.

[Jody Watley -- Don't You Want Me]



Curiosity, and speak too, and of Media, Everyday life in all, and as truly said 'Conduit' that is.

[Deniece Williams -- Let's Hear It For The Boy]

Friday 8 August 2014

The Poster Girl

The Poster Girl.

[Paula Abdul -- Cold Hearted]



(The Charmer: Geomancy & the Western Tradition)

In speaking of 'The Media Conduit' and as a Blog, and that does promote a way of living and that some might not associate with the Western way of life, is to then tell one in all that, when they do think Western lifestyles in all, it can all probably be summarized and in one term: Trouble [and as with it all even said, and to speak of the Evolutionary and in Ancestry too that is].

[Rockwell -- Somebody's Watching Me]

Wednesday 6 August 2014

The Sectarian

The Sectarian.

Just whom/who in all, are those said Sectarian, in all truly like? A not too difficult question to ponder, but one whose resultant find, might be a surprise to many. For the Sectarian, does in all speak, and of just how many a Sect out there, does come in all, and to readily even, influence, the lives of many a person, and in society too that is.

In putting the above and in plain terms, is to propose the very view that, Sectarian life, does have to do, and with just how in all, we do define the Unchanging, the Changing and the Constant too. For the Unchanging in all, does simply speak perhaps, and of just whom/who in all we are, and as with regards and to what some do term Enactment that is. On the otherhand, the Changing, and as going along, and with speak of Acting (Out) in itself actually. It is however and in all though, and with the Constant, that we do in all find life, troubling, and in many a way too [and the very belief in all that, of all said famed or celebrated peoples/figures today, it is those who are to be seen/found and in the Sports World in all, and who do actually live, the most base/boring of lifestyles, and when it does come to having lots of possessions that is].

In all, the Constant, and as having its defining differing and in History too, such that, most today don't truly recognize just how in all, the ancients for instance, did actually live out their lives that is. That for the Egyptians, the Constant, and as going along and with (Physical) States too, and speak even, and of one and as said having, an aching back that is. What of the Greeks? They in all did actually envision societies, and with the Constant, and as speaking of (Energy) Fields in all, and as in telling one that, Greek life, is simply not understood to most, and as it does in all, go along, and with speak of 'Fielding', and the Constant too that is [or speak perhaps, and of those said at the right place, and at the right time too that is]. What of Italy? For no one speaks of Italian life truly, but simply in all, and of Italy that is. For it was in Italy, and speak of the World too, and as now said acknowledging the Christian Faith in all, and in all again, just where in all, the Constant, did speak of (Time) Ticks and Tocks too, and as with the Constant, simply said to speak and of us (and not we either) and as simply said Ticking that is [Link].

For those though, who do wish to have different views of the Constant, and as with it all and in most ways today, said to speak of Emotional States for instance [and speak too and of poor Physical Health too that is], is to present a differing view of the Constant, and that does go along and with speak of Faces, a single Memory, Souls, Presences, the Seasons etc.

In all, while those who do view Media, and as said a Conduit too, might be obsessed with Presences in all, it is believed that, Souls in all (and as in speak here, and of many a person and as simply said truly changing in their ways), might be something to ponder (out) that is.


Tuesday 5 August 2014



The heading/header Pieces in all, has no true and indirect reference, and to Pisces that is. It in all though, is said and to speak here in all, and of the Piecing of Life together that is [and as in further speak here in all, and of life too, and as said breaking down actually]. This in all, might sound depressing and to those who do wish and for life, and to go along and as smoothly, and as it all can probably be said to be. This and in all is just not true, and if and only if, life, is not only perceived and from speak of the 'pain barrier' for instance (and one and as crossing it, and feeling truly good about oneself), but that in all, it does refer, and to just what to make of life, and as in living it out and in speak of truly defining success and for oneself, but that in all ways even, it does speak and of just how we do in all, perceive History, and with life in all again, said in all, and to have the most simplest and of Trajectories that is.

To understand in all, and in clearer perspective, just what the Media Conduit is all about, is to in all again, truly even attempt to associate Media and with Conduit too, and as a true Philosophy in itself [and as with it all even speaking of something, and as said longstanding (and in Contract perhaps), or even, simply worth pursuing that is]. That in all, this does speak and of just how we do perceive Death, and as with it in all and in many a way truly, going along, and with speak of Quality/Quantity Standards/Ideals, and in our lives too that is.

The first of references and as having to do with Death, does in all, have to do, and with speak of the Bereaved [and speak in all, and of one, and as said even, truly fearing, and in losing many a thing that is]. What of the Passing, and as with it even said to have come to truly define European History, and as in speaking here, and of Le Morte D'Arthur for instance, or even 'The Passing of Merlin' too that is. The Passage, and as something taken lightly and when speaking of Death, does speak in all, and of just how most out there, do perceive Death, and as with it all simply referring and to Death and as a Passage in itself, and Passage in all perhaps, and that can be acquainted, and with Diplomatic rendering/servicing in all, and as going along, and with one being asked for instance, to in all, visit a Monarchy for instance, and in an Alien or Foreign land that is. You do also have 'the Heavens' in all, and as with it all even going along and with speak of the Undertaking too, and further references, and to being exposed and to the perfect Communal life for instance, and in a Vision too perhaps, and speak here in all, and of the History of America (Link), its Rise and Fall (and as believed as such and by the Blogger here too), such that, America today and as referred to and as the United States of America, does very much go along and with life, and as perceived and from the very perspective and of the Bereaved that is [Link]. What of Heaven & Hell, and as with it in all, speaking of Italian History (Link), and the foolhardiness of Man too, in that, it does speak of one and as said exposed and to the Polarities of Life, and such that, Life in all, is simply defined, and from speak of endless Laughter for instance, and as with it all even said ending, and in simple speak, and of what a true Eulogy, truly is [and as in stating that, most don't truly know, just where Italians in all, do in all leave for, and upon dying that is][Link]. What of the Moment (of Truth)? It in all, and as said speaking of Italian-American History for instance, or speak in all again, and of the unknown or hidden History and of the United States or speak too and of Pre-Revolutionary War America/United States too that is. In all, the Moment (of Truth), and as going in many a way too, and with African History, and as said even, and to speak of Uncle Remus for instance.

For those though, and as engaging and in Media and as a Conduit, the very belief that, Death in all, does speak of the Answer, and as it does in all again, refer, and to the Piecing of life (and as in picking up whats left, and from a said Evolutionary perspective too), and such that, one does create a life for oneself, and as with regards and to speak of the Times too, and that can be said enviable to all that is [and as in referring here, and to its unique ways, and such that, it cannot in all, be truly copied that is, but simply praised in all actually].

In many a way though, all this too, and as calling for an understanding of Life, and in speak of Song, Pain & Aches, Solitude, Salutations [and speak in all even, and of European History, and as said Moor/'African', and further speak too, and of the very world of the Musketeer for instance], but with what they do term the Taunt, recommended in all perhaps, and for those engaging, and in Media, and as said as a Conduit too that is.

The Taunt:

[Commodores -- Nightshift]

Monday 4 August 2014

The Underside

The Underside.

(Charlie Murphy)

Memories of a childhood spent, spent a-swimming in all, and not too often than not, and with my said diving, and into the Pool, down and onto the very bottom, and just to see myself turn, upward, and look upon, many a belly or being, and as said swimming across the pool, and with my attempting now not to laugh or smirk in all that is. That in many a way, is what, an Underside, can be said to be. 

In all, the Underside, and as presenting a new manner and in all again, and of viewing just about, anything, and from speak of Humour or Sensuality, but in all ways even, can be used to speak, and of what a distinct Memory, and as going along and with Media and as said a Conduit too, truly is like. In attempting though, and to make all this African, is to speak of Gender relations/relationships, and as going along and with speak of the Counterpart, and not the Partner either.


[DeBarge -- Rhythm Of The Night]

The Vantage

The Vantage.

What in all, is a Vantage Point? It in all, can be said, and to speak and of just how we do Conceptualize (and not Contextualize) Success that is [and with Contextualization, going along and with speak of desired Treatment that is]. In all, the Vantage Point, and as going along and with speak of the 'sounds of Success' for instance, or in many a way too, speak and of one and as attaining in all perhaps, certain said forms of understanding, and of life too, and on realizing in all perhaps (and not truly attaining in all), Success that is [and with the realizing of Success, going along, and with the understanding, and of many a thing too, and as going along and with speaking of 'shining a light', and on something or anything that is].

In many a way, the Vantage Point, and as said in all believed, and to have served and as an inspiration, and for 80's New York City Society in all that is, and speak in all, and of Society in New York, and as now aspiring, and to attain International Success in all, and basic speak here too, and of the Hamptons for instance.

[Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam -- Lost In Emotion]

Sunday 3 August 2014



What in all, does constitute in many a way, and for a Fear of Failing (and not Failure), and in speak of Africa too that is [and as with it all even said, and to speak and of just how in all, we do handle Anxiety or Panic Attacks for instance, and in our lives too that is]. In many a way, this in all, is said and to actually go along and with speak of many a Developmental Initiative in Africa, and as it does in all, refer and to the African, and as said not having a Fear of Failure (and as with the African known to be highly adaptable in some ways), but that in all ways even, it does in all speak and of having a Fear of Failing [and speak of the African, and as said not able to handle Anxiety or Panic, and in all, all this and as said and as arising in all again, and with just how Africans in all, and as said Modern too, do define Responsibility that is][Irresponsibility].

In all, Retrogression, and as said a condition, and as arising, and with the Fear of Failing, and such that, on its happening, one is simply said stunted, and in an emotional, physical or psychological perspective, and as with speak here in all, and of their inability, and to proceed in life that is.

In all, in speaking of Retrogression, is to first mention Retrogression, and as found/seen in Western Culture, and as going along, and with one and as said in all, becoming, a primitive savage and of a kind too that is [that what one could call Western Dress/fashion, does actually, fit, the so termed primitive savage, and as with he/she in all even, said, a ruthless criminal that is]. In speaking of Retrogression though, and as found in European Culture, is to in all ways even speak of it all, and as said to refer and to speak of Isolationism in itself, and from ones very environs that is [and such that, the Shining Sun, is said to hold no value or worth that is].

In speaking of Retrogression and from an African Religion perspective, is to speak of African Culture, and as said to have many a problem, and as with regards, and to historical notions, and of what does stand for Discipline that is [that the African in all, and who does engage in African Traditional Religion, is in many a way and as with regards to Retrogression, known to harbour, many a fear, and as going along and with speak of Time Limits for instance, and the fear in all, and of never truly, reaching, ones Destination for instance][and as with it all even going along and with a fear, and of having missed out on life that is][The Destination].

It is however, and in speak of African Christianity (and of the Coptic Variety too), and where one does in all, find Retrogression, more or less well defined or dealt with, and as with it all even said to speak, and of not Succeeding in life, but that in all ways even, speak and of many a person, and as said Dejected that is [or speak truly even, and of one and as said truly Selfish in their ways, and not Impulsive, and as those said Western in Retrogression, truly are].

The Undisciplined:


[Oran "Juice" Jones -- The Rain]

The African and the Moor

The African and the Moor.

This post and in many a way, does have to do and with speak of Ideals/Standards that is. That for those in Africa, and as going along and with speak of an African Psychology and of the Africa Psyche/experience in all, does in all refer, and to what some do term Dichotomies (or speak too and of the 'Other Side' for instance), and as versus speak, and of, not of the Superior/Inferior, but in many a way perhaps, and of the Laudable/Excellent, and as versus that said Unadmirable too that is.

In referring and to the above in all, is to then say that, the African today in all, is stuck, and in attempting to Appraise him/her-self in all again, and in speak of Europe or America, and as perceived and in speak of the Nubian too and as said 'revolting' but commendable in all, but with this entry and on the otherhand, proposing in all the very view and of the Moor, and as said to speak of Myth too (and as with he in all even, said today, to be a creation of Publishing that is), but of Dichotomies, and as with regards and to the African that is [that the Moor and the African, might truly in all appear similar in Gender, but differing in Sex that is].

In all, the Moor, and as attempting to find Glory in life, and in speak of Philosophy and as going along and with speak of War and World History too, while the African in all, and as with he even said appearing and on the World stage, and in the form of the Ethiope, strives in all, and to be the most Humane of us all, and with he in all, grounding Philosophy, and in speak of the Biblical Tradition and as said African too (Zimbabwe), but further speak and of Retribution in itself that is.

Of War and Retribution:

[Timex Social Club -- Rumours]

The City

The City.

(Paris, Minneapolis, Nairobi)

While growing up and in Nairobi, Kenya too, I did in many a way come to simply in all, realize myself (or truly see myself in all), and as Brown skinned too. It in many a way, did come in all, and in my perceiving perhaps, that Black skinned peoples in Kenya (but not all), were simply said Acculturated/'Cooler' in their ways (and in a manner and that did speak of Intelligence too), and as compared and to speak of the highly glorified Images, and that do speak of Success, and as said White (skinned) too that is. As a result, and knowing Brown skinned Africans, and as very much said Superstitious in their ways [and in speak of African superstition, and not European either; and further speak too and of Black Cats that is], I did in all seek to foment or create Identity in Religion in itself [and as based on my belief that, Cool and Intelligence, was in all Black skinned actually], and Religion too, such that, while foreseeing myself as Christian in all, I did in many a way though, see myself, and as seeking understanding in all, and in many a Religion outside Christianity too, and that did in all even culminate, and in a belief and that did say, the Bushido Code, was truly it.

In speaking of the City, and the African too in all, is to perhaps first mention, the very unknown History, and of Brown skinned Africans, and as said to be in all, behind the rise and of many a said African City. In having said this, is to first in all ways even, speak of the City and as said White, and as going along and with speak of many a said Discriminatory attitude, and that does in all even, go along and with speak of Historical sentiment that is [and further speak too and of London actually]. Having said this in all, is to abruptly perhaps, attempt here in all again, and to speak of the so called Black/African races on Earth, and as with they even said to simply possess 'African Hair', and with they in all truly even, differing, and in Evolution too that is. That the Black/African races, can simply be termed or said, African, and Islamist too [and with the African races, said simply Egyptian, Pygmy or Khoi-San too for instance, while those said Islamist, are very much said Nubian in all actually][African][Islamist].

In having said the above, is to also point out in all that, Africa, and as said ruined in its ways in all, does actually speak of the Islamist, and as the Islamist in all, can be said, to pretty much look Western, Islamic and even Asian too perhaps, and that in all, in speak of Civility, the Islamist, failing to attain African Civil Standards in all, and which do speak of how we do perceive Borders, Ownership or even Rights too that is [that Chaos in Africa might be said African, but 'Pollution' in all, said Islamist in all actually].

In proceeding from the above, is to also speak of the City, and as said Brown skinned in that, it does speak of the very History and of the City, and as stemming back and into the Egyptian Times [and speak of famed Egyptian Cities too][and further speak here, and of Heliopolis, and as speaking in all, and of the Brown skinned Greek / Cretan that is], in that, they were Cities in all, and that did attempt to evolve, and as based around speak of a certain Philosophy and Memory, and that would in all, last for all Time, but with the Modern/Western Times, doing away, and with the Brown City perhaps, and in favour and of the White, but with further speak of this Blog, and as in all proposing the Black City that is [and as with it in all, not said Detroit, and which in many a way, is actually an American Brown City].

What though, is the Black City? To put it all and in a simple sense, it does speak of Identity, and as going along and with speak of Liaisons, Socialites and even many a Rendezvous too for instance [Link]. This and in contrast, and to the White City, and as said to speak of Historical London too, and further speak in all, and of Society and Prestige too that is. To speak of the rest of Europe, and as said to go along and with speak of the Brown City, does in all ways even speak of Brown skinned Europeans, and as versus those said/termed Moors that is. That Brown skinned Europeans, did exist, and did approximate White skinned Europeans, and in Physiognomy too [Link], but the Moor on the otherhand, more or less said in Physiognomy, African, but truly Egyptian in all perhaps. and with the Moor, bringing about change and to the European City, and in speak of a Memory and Philosophy, and as said Evolutionary too [and as with it taking into consideration, Egyptian, Greek, Italian, and African History into consideration], but with the Moor, and as often falsely presented, and as a Warrior too, when in reality, he is Scholar, but with the Fight in him too that is. In all, the Cities of the Netherlands, and as truly speaking of the Moor in Europe, and as with they in all truly even, said the most famed of European Cities, and not Paris, London or many another famed European City, and such as Moscow too that is.

In all, the very belief that, the 'Black City' in all, does have its Time, and as truly approaching too, and with the White City, failing in all for instance, and in accommodating the 'Minority', but with the Brown City, facing many a difficulty in all, and as with regards to the Masses out there, and as said educated and in World History too, such that, speak of the Brown City, does in all even, pertain and to speak of Symbol in all, and as with the 'Brown mind' in all again, aspiring to be somewhat Egyptian, and in understanding too that is [and with Anna Karenina, and by Tolstoy too, going along and with the City, and as Black that is][and further speak of the History of the Abyssinian and the Negro/Euro, and in Europe too that is].

In all, this Blog (and from an African perspective too), and as very much speaking of the African races, and not those said Black/Islamist either that is [and with the African, speaking of the Moor/'Christian' as Philosopher, and with the Black/Islamist, speaking in all perhaps, and of Islam in all truly].

[Johnny Kemp -- Just Got Paid]

The Formal Intro. (3)

The Formal Intro. [3]

This final entry, and in the Formal Intro. series, will attempt to have the African in all perhaps, and as with he/she even believed, to view African Christianity, and as compared to speak of other African Religion, and as forming the very basis of life and in Africa and as said a Continent too in all [and life and as said lived inside Africa, and not within it either][Inside Africa - Link, Within Africa - Link][and life too, and as said to speak, and of the Egyptian Memory that is][Link]. In all, speak of a Reclamation process here, and of the African and as said Reclaiming his very Presence and if not Soul, and with the African Presence, said to speak too in all, and of 'Pharaoh', and as versus that seen outside Africa, Presence, and which does in all speak of Hermes for instance (and of Alexander the Great too), or truly in all again, and of Abraham in himself that is.

In having said this, is to in all ways even speak of the very World we live in, today that is, and as very much dominated and by speak of Media in itself, and many a portrayal/presentation in all, and that does speak in all, and of one and as said favoured, and by society too that is.

In all, what is being promoted here, is a view and of Africans (and as said simply ascribing and to African Christianity), a Media in all, and that will allow for them and to live a life, and of their own Bearing, and in speak of a World today, and that does basically attempt to define itself, and as Godless too that is [and speak of Success or 'Making it', and as going along and with speak of having found oneself as Valued/Valuable or Worthy, and a way from speak of God too that is][Link].

In all, what does this Media and that does attempt to have Africans, and of all kinds of proportions or being in all, truly finding Happiness in themselves, and as said to speak of Presences, and not of the Human Soul truly either, and in a World, and which is simply perceived and by the Blogger, and to simply have forsaken God, and from a Historical Context that is [and basic speak in all, and of Media today, Western in all, and as simply said to falsely represent just about all 'there is' that is].

In all, the proposed Media below, can be said and to go along and with speak of truly Defining ourselves, and from the following Design in all:

1. The Intro: And as basically said to speak of Introductions, Openings, Commencements, Debuts, Launchings etc.

2. Adaptation Models: And which in all, do basically speak of African Psychology & Religion, and as with it all even said to speak of African Christianity and IFA too for instance.

3. Avatars: And speak too, and of those simply said to be the most perfect of us all, and as with regards and to finding oneself, and as in speak of one and as not fearful, or complaining/whining, and about life, and from the very perspective and of Acceptance, Rejection and Ridicule in itself too [and speak here in all, and of Names, and such as ATUM in itself that is][ATUM].

4. Being: Being, and as speaking in all, and of the Human, and as said Magical in his ways, and as simply defined and from speak of Tempo, Flow and Beat too [and nothing much else either, and from a Physical stance/perspective that is].

5. Interfaces: Probably the most difficult of the above and in the defining, in that, Interfaces in all, do speak and of just how we do define Access, and in our lives too, and as with it all even speaking of a Subconscious awakening, Imagination in itself, Inner Voices, or truly in all perhaps, speak too, and of society, and Modern Psychology too, and as said to go along, and with speak of the Query (and the African Unconscious), and in all its forms too that is.

[Jermaine Stewart -- We Don't Have To Take Our Clothes Off]

The Formal Intro. (2)

The Formal Intro. <2>

The previous entry (or Last entry too, and not last entry either), cannot be said to have told the full or whole story, and of the African experience, and in the last 200 years perhaps, and as told and from a Philosophical stance that is. That it in all, does speak and of just how Africans do perceive God, and as with it all even and erroneously too, said to speak of the Nubian that is. 

In understanding the above better, and speak truly too, and of the 'nigger' mindset and of the Nubian and a way from Egyptian influence, is to in all ways even speak and of just why in all, the African has come to be misaligned and in recent History too, and away from speak, and of Conspiratorial talk, and of an unknown History of the World (or as said Hidden too), and which does speak of Africans (and as said outside Africa too), and as Wealthy, Responsible and Enviable people that is [and as with it all even said speaking of Glastonbury Abbey and in England too, and with King Arthur, and as versus speak of Arthur, and as said very much African in his ways that is; or in Myth too in particular]. In all, a said re-writing of History perhaps, and that does present History falsely, in that, it does attempt to reduce life and as seen/found in Africa, and to the view that, the African is simply said not Intelligent that is. In understanding this, is to perhaps present the view, that life outside Africa, and as said rising and into society in itself, did speak and of truly defining oneself, and in speak of Rite and Ritual that is [that the African in all, and as oft equated and to the Nubian too, and in speak of Adaptation that is, is simply said to have failed in his ways and as with regards to see his knowing just whom/who in all, he is, and with Rite and Ritual, but that in all again, and to many an unknowing person, life in Africa in all, is truly defined and in speak of Somasis/Response, Psycho-Somatic disease, or truly and in all again, Africa, and as said and to truly refer, and to what some do term the 'Human Condition', and as with it all even said to speak and of one, and as said Hybrid, and in resistance too that is].

In all perhaps, the very view that the Egyptians were never truly African, and in speak of falsely presenting Egyptian History, and as with it all even said to speak of Rite and Ritual, but that in all ways too, Egyptians and Egypt, and as said in all, not to create Identity and as going along and with speak of Somasis, when in reality, Egyptian Somasis, does in all speak of the very Title, and of 'Pharaoh' that is. In many a way, and in speaking of Somasis outside Africa, and as not speaking of one and as said highly Adaptable in all (and as the African is said believed and to truly be), is to also speak of Jungian and Freudian terms, and such as the Id, the Superego or even the Self and Unconscious too [and as in stating that, what they do term African Christianity in all, and as said separate and from other forms of Christianity, and as with it all even said Coptic too and in Somasis that is, does attempt to define Africa, and in speak of Myth, and that does go along and with speak of the African Unconscious, African Dream states, and the African, and as said a Dream-Maker too that is; and speak too and of life, and as very much experienced  and as a Dream too that is][African Christianity : Link].

In all again, King Arthur, and as said African in all, does not only speak of his defining himself and in speak of Rite, but that in Myth, he is also very much African/Egyptian, and in Somasis too that is. In all, it is South Africa, and not Egypt either, and that is Alien and to the rest of Africa, and as with regards to Somasis, and as Somasis in South Africa, does speak in all, and of the Wizard of Oz actually, but that Africa in all, and as viewed and from speak of Somasis & Adaptation, is said in all, truly Egyptian (and in speak of History and Time in itself), and not South African either. In all again, Africans, and as said outside Africa, living lives and of Rite and Ritual, and not Somasis truly either, and with those aware of this very fact, finding themselves successes in all, and simply in all again viewing Africa, and as a Distant Home, in that, Africa in all, is acquainted, and with speak of Egyptian History too that is [and speak even, and of the very name Tutankhamun or Imhotep too for instance].

[Chaka Khan -- Through the fire]

To be continued.........

Saturday 2 August 2014

The Formal Intro.

The Formal Intro.

What in all, does a Formal Intro. serve for, and in this very Blog perhaps? It in many a way, does speak in all, and of what has been going on (and not truly transpiring too), and in the last 200 years that is. That society and since then, and as said to speak of Humanity or Mankind too, has found itself redesigned in all, such that, one no longer seeks to use Religion or Philosophy, and in understanding its ways, but in all ways, does truly ascribe and to simply being truly Informed perhaps, and further speak here, and of Gossip in itself too that is.

In speaking of the said root causes in all, and that do serve and for the inspiration and for the creating of this Blog, is to in many a way, speak not only of Etiology for instance, but speak again, and of having grown up, and having watched 'Waynes World 2' that is [and as with it even said to have a defining moment to it, and that does speak of Aerosmith, and many a 'We are not Worthy' chant to it all too actually]. Growing up, thats whom I wanted to be and in Free Expression too, and without feeling judged or called upon, and to answer for myself, and upon showing such open Feeling or emotion that is.

In all, and in the attempt and in summarizing the above, and further speak too here, and of my having wanted to move to America, change my Profile (and as with it all going along and with speak of Gym Work, and as vouched for in all, and by Arnorld Schwarzenneger too for instance, or truly speak even and of the innate belief that, I did possess a 'moj' and that did in all say that, I did in all actually know how to deal or dally with, and with many a said Hot Chick too, and as with she or he in all even, simply said somewhat American truly, and Rocksy Foxy in her ways too perhaps), I would then simply learn just how to truly enjoy myself in all, and from more or less a Free Expression perspective, and not that pertaining to Materiality or Materialism that is [having discovered in all perhaps, that Ambition, did not matter to me, and that in many a way, I was simply prone to more or less, live out, a Religious life, of a kind too that is]. In all, having destroyed Ambition, and as an Impulse too perhaps, one could say that, I did in all develop a Defeatist mindset or mentality to me, and as those around me in all, did only seek or wish, to truly seek out perhaps, Ambition, and as with it even said to speak of Suge Knight in himself that is.

Did I miss out in Life? A question perhaps, I do not only in all, often ponder anymore, and as in speak here, and of my having nothing in all, or 'at all' too, and to say to many a stranger or person or being met that is, but that in all ways truly, all thoughts and as occurring to me, did in all originate, and with my Free Expression years in all, and with Free Expression too, simply said here in all again, and in the Western World that is, and to speak of Discriminatory attitudes, and as said to speak of the Psyche actually [that the very Rulers and of the Western World, do in all attempt to limit Free Expression, and as with it said in all, and to speak of society and as falling apart, and as Ambition in all, and from which the Western World does simply build itself upon, is now truly said threatened that is]. Having said all this, is to then point out in all that, society, and as said White too perhaps, does in all speak of said 'White people', and as truly controlling the Free Expression and of those said not White, while Institution on the otherhand, and as with it said Western, has failed to truly define Ambition and for many a so termed 'Minority' that is, but with the so termed Modern World, simply speaking and of us all, and as simply said not African, and with Africans in all, simply said a simple, savage, primitive and even awkward people in all that is.

Africans : Link1, Link2

Back though, and to Free Expression, and a way from Suge Knight too that is. 

This Blog in all, will not attempt to speak of Ambition or Free Expression in itself, but in many a way too, speak truly even, and of Africa, the Media, Intellect, and in all ways even, speak of Discriminatory attitudes and as possessed or held, and by those in all, who simply just 'Fetishize' the African, and in his ways too, and by attempting in all, and to hold him a said primitive (and one said a 'nig' too perhaps), and as with regards and to very belief in all that, Africans, and when it does come in all, and to Media Layouts & Formats, and as said Western too, do simply look like Buffoons in them, and when presented in Western Media that is [that in all, Western Media Formats & Layouts, are said to speak of Civility and Civilization in itself, and any other said Formatting or Layouts, do in all simply speak of Backwardness, and in Intellect, Intelligence or Civilized lifestyles too that is]. In all, the very belief that, Western 'Civilization', and as presented and from speak of Formats & Layouts (Media), does speak and of those said African in all, and as simply said Unaware in their ways, but in all truly even, speak of Africans and as now said creative in their ways, and in redefining, life in itself, and from a Formats & Layouts perspective, such that, associating themselves and with certain said basic Formats & Layouts, does free themselves in all, and in basically thinking freely that is (and as with regards to speak of Core Identity for instance) [and further speak too here, and of Arnorld Schwarzenegger for instance], and in all ways even, a realization in all perhaps, and that Western society/civilization, is not what it is touted to be that is [and from the very perspective of speak and of what some do term a Media Presentation, and as with it all even going along and with Formats & Layouts, and that do speak of success in the Western World, and as going along and with all forms or kinds, and of incongruities and such as theft in itself too for instance][that Western Media Formats & Layouts in all, don't always present the whole or full picture, and of what is truly happening, and in any given place or time that is]. In all, Western Media Formats & Layouts, and as truly going along in all, and with the very view that, Africans, are simply said to be exploitable in all, and in one manner or another that is.

[Pebbles -- Girlfriend]

Rick James

Rick James.

Access - Flow : Link

[Rick James -- Super Freak]

Eddie Murphy

Eddie Murphy.

Access - Beat : Link

[Cameo -- Candy]